The old-fashioned revenge story, but the effect is dark humor

Peyton 2022-03-22 09:02:16

The title cold persuit seems to be a cold-blooded revenge story, but it is actually an atypical suspense film, a non-routine revenge story, generally an unsuccessful suspense film, with a dark humorous effect.

Overall it's worth a look. The "Hurricane Rescue" series portrays Liam Neeson as a father with a background of top secret agents. Probably the audience will get tired of rescuing too many rescues. Dele's List") is no longer a rescue, nor is he a professional agent, but an old father who almost committed suicide after losing his son, an old man with strong fighting power but probably not a professional agent background, who will get tired after a fight. In my opinion, the character setting is more down-to-earth and more realistic, and a more realistic film can better reflect social issues. Therefore, I am afraid that the friends who are watching Liam Neeson's sturdy agent action and super insight analysis and reasoning ability will be disappointed.

However, this movie also has its point of view. The storyline is coherent, with a main line of revenge and three auxiliary lines (the police and two gangsters) still very clear. The movie is generally more delicate, with many plots echoing, and many small burdens are shaken out inadvertently. There are many bright spots and burdens, which may be the needs of commercial films. From the change of the cross logo to the MADE IN CHINA on the clothing label, from the magic skills of the gangster to pick up girls, to the misuse of the word reservation by the Indian gangster when they checked into the hotel and the subsequent remedy, from the police The incompetence of the female policeman seduces the male, from reading novels to learn the skills of destroying corpses to the snow plow at the end, the whole film is full of burdens.

In addition to the burden, what is impressive is the contrast between warmth and cold blood in the film. The first is the warmth of the coxman family, compared with the subsequent murder, the cuteness of the pirate Viking's son, after coxman kidnapped him, he protected him instead, and the warmth of both falling asleep after reading the snow plow advertisement for him, so that this murder film does not appear to be too much Grim. In fact, although there is no urine in the whole film, it is not as thrilling and exciting as the rescue. The only thing is that when both parties start with Viking's son, it really makes people panic, because the arrangement of the child's fate can be said to determine this. sheet temperature.

I haven't seen the Norwegian version of The Order of Disappearance, and the original is said to be more cold-blooded and suspenseful. The two films have different opinions. But this movie reminds me of "The Killer Is Not Too Cold" and the domestic film "The Unknown". "The Killer" is to leave warmth and hope to this brutal world, and this film leaves two people who lost their only son in the end. Old father, creating a tragic but far less than "The Killer". The snow shoveler in the white area is actually a small person. There is no precise revenge plan, and there is no hard-core brother support group. The method of killing and throwing corpses comes from a novel. The protagonist is actually very ordinary, even helpless, including many facts that he refuses to disclose to the police. Obviously, the police are powerless about his son. This reminds me of the little policeman in "The Nameless". Of course, the protagonist was very lucky, and every time the silence went smoothly, in the end, the fight was right, and the gangsters fought together. But the plot is not as compact as Public Enemy of the People. Looking back, the white cow is left at the end. The plot seems to be complete, but it has become more difficult to get the social value orientation and social significance of this film.

This Killer Isn't Too Cold (1994)
1994 / French American / Drama Action Crime / Luc Besson / Jean Reno Natalie Portman

ALL in all, this film has a lot of burdens. There are bright spots in the character setting, details, plot, and responses before and after, but to understand all the burdens, you must not only have sufficient background knowledge (such as the book Viking recommended to his son), but also To immerse in the feeling. When you have time, it's worth rewatching this movie.

Enemy of the People (1978)
1978 / USA / Drama / George Schaefer / Steve McQueen Bibi Andersson
Nobody (2018)
2018 / Mainland China / Drama Comedy / Rao Xiaozhi / Chen Jianbin and Ren Suxi

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Cold Pursuit quotes

  • Simon Legrew: Your mother's womb must be twitching in regret at bringing you into the world

  • Thorpe: Do you have any idea what I can do to you... on Yelp?