Raid on Pearl Harbor!

Ivah 2022-03-21 09:02:47

How to say it... a little bit less than expected

The continuous montage was not handled properly. The plot was too smooth and too long... The footage and the expression of the content of the picture were also a bit stiff, especially in the few minutes of the two heroes' aerial battle.

Okay, let's start talking about the highlights

There are still many advantages. It is indeed a successful war documentary in terms of time and documentaries.

It depicts the characters and images of many American and Japanese generals. Only through this movie did I know the general style of Yamamoto fifty-six

First of all, due to the jet lag, Yamamoto was preparing the Zero bombers to arrive at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii an hour after the declaration of war.

After confirming that the aircraft carrier of the Pacific Fleet was not in port, it immediately announced the withdrawal and return to stop loss

After only four battleships, two destroyers, and no more than 300 aircraft and one aircraft carrier, Yamamoto realized that this time, not only did the US Navy not hurt, but also because of the jet lag factor, the US emperor was furious.

Completely failed to achieve the expected goal of persuading the US imperialists to withdraw from the Pacific battlefield. Yamamoto is a jerk who deserves to stay in Harvard in the United States.

In addition, I would like to express my personal opinion during World War II in the Pacific battlefield. Under the circumstances of such tension between the United States and Japan

Secondly, the entire US Pacific Navy fleet rested on Sunday (this opportunity is not so much a chance that Yamamoto got it right, it is better to say that Admiral Kimmel sent it), so that after the Japanese Navy bomber left the aircraft carrier, it found Pearl Harbor according to its own submarine (radio silence) for such a long time No preventive measures were taken during the time period. After the Japanese bomber flew over Pearl Harbor, the director and scriptwriter made a series of scenes all silently mocking and satirizing the authorities at that time (Americans in the 1970s were able to face up to history and seek truth from facts.) The advantages of the enemy, but our director has made a superhuman anti-Japanese drama with a personal touch from the sword that killed a thousand enemies and damaged eight hundred.

It feels more appropriate to call the Pearl Harbor incident a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor!

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Tora! Tora! Tora! quotes

  • Lt. Cmdr. Fuchida: Warrant Officer Mizuki, signal all planes: "prepare to attack!"

  • Commander Minoru Genda: Everything is strangely quiet. The American anti-aircraft batteries haven't fired a shot! And no enemy fighters over the harbor, sir! We've done it! Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!"

    Commander Genda's Co-Pilot: And no enemy fighters over the harbor, sir!

    Commander Minoru Genda: We've done it! Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!"