Breaking The Secret and Several Paradoxes of the Law of Attraction

Mabelle 2022-10-12 06:37:46

After reading this book, I was troubled for a long time. The main point of this book is to say: as long as you believe that you can do something, it will be done. The book proclaims, “There is only one reason why anyone is short of money, and that is because their thinking blocks the source of money.” By analogy, the root cause of African poverty must lie in its own pessimism and misanthropy, and so must oil in the Middle East. Attracted by the locals.

If you believe what the book says: as long as you imagine things happen, then you will naturally be afraid of things you can't imagine. After this, your brain will go back and forth with what you are afraid of, which is "fear of things you can't imagine well." So you're stuck in an endless loop.

I can present two paradoxes:

1. If I believe that what I think will not be realized, according to the theory in the book, "I believe that what I think will not be realized" will be realized. This is an impossible thing, which can be proved in turn. The theory in is wrong.

2. If you can achieve something in the first place, why do you use the "law of attraction" in the book to achieve it? On the contrary, this proves that you can't achieve it in the first place. Once you want to use the "law of attraction" to achieve a purpose, the opposite of the purpose also appears, and is more original and stronger than the purpose you want. So which wish will the Law of Attraction fulfill? Of course the latter!

Once you start using the Law of Attraction, you get caught up in these two paradoxes.

Search for "The Law of Attraction", and you will find that the supported articles are all marketing accounts. They introduce the Law of Attraction back and forth, attracting you to buy related supporting courses...

The so-called "quantum physics expert" in the book, John Hagelin, is also a "master" figure. Once, John Hagelin led a group of 4,000 Transcendental Meditation believers to gather in Wharton, the capital of the United States, for a few weeks of "gong". Afterwards, at the press conference announcing the results of the Gong Gong research, the Professor He boldly said: During the Gong Gong period, the local crime rate dropped by 18%, and of course this change was caused by the Gong Gong research. When a reporter asked him, what did that 18 percent compare to? He started rambling. Later investigations found that the local crime rate during the period of "promoting power" almost reached its peak in history. Professor He defended this: If there is no merit, the crime rate will be higher (your words are not even falsifiable)!

There are also many anti-counterfeiting articles on the Internet. Needless to say, paste the address:

The Law of Attraction: Attractive Pseudoscience and Scam | Anti-Counterfeiting Feature - Oriental Daily

Why the law of attraction can deceive so many people - Baidu know

A lot of people I know who use the law of attraction to attract money have been scammed

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The Secret quotes

  • Bob Proctor: Now, if you don't understand it, that doesn't mean that you should reject it. You don't understand electricity probably. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. And yet you enjoy the benefits of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how it works. But I do know this: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity; and you can also cook the man.

  • Michael Beckwith: It has been proven now, scientifically, that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.