The movie "Professor", Johnny Depp's turn over, the story of a middle-aged man smiling and waiting to die

Bernard 2022-11-19 08:08:43

In the past two years, Depp has been slow to rejuvenate due to rumors of domestic violence and out of shape. After playing Greenwald, it is rare to produce a high-quality film "Professor" that can show Depp's acting skills.

And this film doesn't just show how a so-called decent middle-class man (a college professor) faces death. What is even more wonderful is that it turns death into a sharp blade, which accurately pierces the seemingly perfect fig leaf in life, tears apart all the false beauty, and restores a person's most essential true self.

For Depp personally, the film isn't about showing a Hollywood-style adventure legend, or the tumultuous monster shaping the wizarding world.

It's just an ordinary man's new understanding of life, family, and career after he has a terminal illness.

This is also an ordinary story that allows Depp to show his acting skills. It is said that he is ordinary because it is not a happy ending. It is cruel and realistic from beginning to end. dark humor.

Spoiler alert! ! !

You can only live up to 6 months, accept your fate!

In the first scene of the film, Depp is told by doctors that he has a malignant tumor, which is cancer.

Look at Depp's performance, he hunched his back and tried to calm himself. His brows were clenched, something was really broken in his heart, but there was still hope in his eyes.

And when the doctor ruthlessly sentenced him to have only six months to live without therapeutic intervention, he kept his head down even though he straightened his back.

The doctor's routine condolences, please be relieved.

Richard (Depp) smiled reluctantly, and please taste this expression: adults still have to maintain their dignity in times of despair, even if their hearts are broken and painful, they still have to squeeze a smile to others.

He has been trying his best to maintain this decency, and is gradually digesting the fact that death is about to approach.

After sitting in the car, he cursed in a low voice, and the depression of a middle-aged man was at a glance.

In the early stage of the whole film, Richard's self-acceptance was handled very well, and a few rude sentences can perfectly reflect an ordinary person's denial and unacceptance when digesting and understanding fatal information.

At the lunch meeting of the work summary, I accidentally listened to the speech of my boss and friend, and scolded inappropriately.

As a college professor, get ready to start classes at your own workplace - in the classroom. However, before he opened his mouth, he took a deep breath, his face was ashen, he cried and cursed: Fake

After this moment, he could no longer pretend to be calm and continue to live and work as usual.

He couldn't maintain his decency because he was going to die.

Life can't continue to live in such a muddled way, and Richard ran straight out of the classroom.

This set of shots is very interesting.

Looking down from the top, watching a college professor in a suit dig his feet into the mud, cursing God.

Struggling hard in the water, struggling to vent their anger.

But water and fate are one type of things, and people can't really hold them in their hands. If they want to vent their anger, the more they exert themselves, the more they will vent, and eventually they will still be exhausted physically and mentally.

Be sensible and confess to your family, but no one listens to you

Richard is an adult with a wife and daughter. No matter how helpless he is, he always confesses his situation to his family.

But the dark humor of the movie is here. Before he can confess, fate seems to think that the blow to him is not enough, and let the beautiful daughter drop a blockbuster first:

And her daughter Olivia's confession made it clear that Richard and his wife are two completely different people, and their attitudes towards their daughter are also very different.

Richard's first reaction was very open-minded, and his daughter also showed a relieved smile.

But the wife was laughing and said to her daughter: "No, you are not, this is just a stage, I don't agree with you in this way to gain attention."

The daughter collapsed on the spot and left the table in anger. The wife's education method and the gradual escalation of the conflict between the wife and the daughter made people anxious.

How could a dying person leave with peace of mind in such a situation.

Richard was very helpless, but, one after another, fate's jokes had to break his remaining life even more.

His wife confessed to him:

And the person she cheated on was Richard's most hated boss.

Depp's performance in this section is very interesting. After a short awkward laugh, he said to his wife:

If I were you, I'd choose a pool lifeguard or a plumber (both professions are symbols of sexy boys in America) rather than a scumbag.

Richard toasted his wife like a gentleman, and the woman left the table angrily.

And finally, when the wife asked him, what did you want to tell us before?

He sighed and replied:

At this point, the image of a dejected middle-aged man who is diligent in taking care of his family, unsatisfactory at work, in a bad relationship between his husband and wife, with a strong wife and a rebellious daughter has unfolded. And Depp hides his romantic charm and uses an inward-looking performance to even hold this character who should be lower than his appearance and temperament.

Gradually attack, say goodbye one by one

It hasn't happened yet, goodbye friends

In order to ask for sick leave, Richard only confided the truth of his illness to his boss friend Peter Pitt.

Richard acted calmly, as if he was talking about someone else's illness.

But his friend Pete held his hand very emotionally and asked him: How are we going to solve this? He replied: I'm going to fill the medicine cabinet, and then...

In this passage, people feel the warmth for the first time, but Richard is very strong, and he finally did not forget to ask Pete:

After his cancer developed, Richard asked his friend to take him to church one last time, where he watched his friend break down and cry.

Two middle-aged men, even with gray hair, stood in the church hugging and saying goodbye to life and death, and the one with the spark of life leaned on the shoulder of the dying person and wept bitterly.

This is not only a contrast, but also makes people realize that the farewell to death is sometimes to comfort the living, while the wish of the deceased is only the comfort of the living.

And Richard didn't forget to be humorous in the church: it's strange that two men hug like this in the church so naturally.

The two laughed, and this humor in the farewell made the sadness more mellow.

Say goodbye to wife, break taboo

Richard and his wife had an unhappy marriage, and he still had to make a verbal closure with his wife.

After that, the two of them happily used drugs to hypnotize themselves like real old friends.

Say goodbye to female students, friends are hard to find

He accidentally met a female student in a bar, and in her admiring eyes, he confided his thoughts.

Say goodbye to my daughter, don't make big sense

Richard became more and more ill, but it did not make the atmosphere between father and daughter too heavy.

When her daughter was going out to play, she still encouraged her sincerely and did not let her accompany him more.

goodbye to all

At a work dinner hosted by his wife's cheating partner, he announced to everyone:

At the time of the announcement, he still maintained the dignity of an adult, with a smile on his face, while the guests were full of tears.

His parting words, living towards death , are worth everyone's contemplation. Death is only one step away from us, and every millisecond is worth cherishing.

In one of his short words, he was not only announcing his death and farewell to everyone, but also a summary of his own life.

After speaking, Richard raised his champagne and smiled at his wife.

This smile is almost comparable to the smile of Xiao Lizi in "The Great Gatsby", and Depp, who shocked us, is back!

In the end, his final farewell to his daughter was even more shocking.

last goodbye

Daughter goes home after breaking up with gay man, father is about to run away.

Facing his daughter's breakup, Richard's last gentle persuasion: everything will be fine.

Only when he said goodbye to his daughter did he shed tears.

You'll be great, he takes a deep breath, lowers his head and quickly wipes the tears with his hands.

Richard is reluctant to make his daughter sad, and he is not willing to miss all the moments in her daughter's future life, but his time is short, and her daughter will always grow up alone.

Time becomes more precious as life goes by.

As a professor, he not only has to educate his daughter, but also his own students.

Last lesson, not every dying old man has to sleep with a young girl to prove himself

Richard's full-time job was a university professor of literature.

After accepting fate's death arrangement, he decided to change his way of life, starting with a different way of education.

the first lesson:

He lists several requirements:

Those who have absolutely no interest in sitting here, please leave, you can directly get C

1. If you want to study business in the future, please go

2. If you come to class wearing sweatpants or comfortable pants with drawstrings, please leave

3. If you've never read a book with pleasure from your heart, please leave.

4. For a semester, read only one book, and after reading it, stand on the podium and give lectures to everyone

5. If you can tell the importance of this book on the podium, you will get a B. If you teach everyone new knowledge, you will get an A.

When there were only 10 people left in the full room, the professor announced the get out of class.

In the second class , Richard noticed a girl who was very dazzling, and she was the niece of Richard's wife's concubine.

And their second class took place in a bar.

In the bar, he taught:

How would a literature teacher, in a dying population, give advice about life to a group of uninvolved, even somewhat naive, self-righteous students?

And just after he said the above touching philosophies on life, the professor who decided to live again seduced a waitress. Such a reckless professor looks even more charming in such a chaotic disqualification.

After that, the class ends.

And Depp's savage aura was showing his talents at this moment.

For many classes after that , he began to listen to students' lectures everywhere and listen to students' understanding of books.

Classes are everywhere, and you can teach in any way.

For the students, he said:

And although he admires the red-haired female student, the two have always maintained their pure teacher-student status, and have not taken a step further.

There was only a slow dance between the two.

In my opinion, the female student is absolutely in love, and Richard must also be in love, but Richard's pride and romance did not allow him to continue this relationship.

He just wanted her to experience that this is the weight of life and the attraction of a consonant heart. It is not necessary to pursue results. It is also an experience of life, and when he is about to die, he is still kind and virtuous.

Richard did not possess a young body to prove that he was alive, but in the hearts of girls, he was always "alive".

to the unknown

At the end of the story, Depp played a three-pointer with a man who was confused about the way forward.

He chose to go on the road alone, to solve his own confusion on the way, the film was made implicitly, I think maybe he will choose one hundred times.

However, when he was laughing up to the sky and driving alone on the road, everything seemed relieved.

Richard drove the car, not on the usual road, and drove all the way into the grass, which made people feel excited.

The moonlight is hazy, the road ahead is dark, and there is no direction. This is the process of a person walking towards death alone, and others cannot understand or accompany him. With the gradually surging sound of the cello, the story ends at the climax.

Sail to chaos, face chaos, stop making choices, stop wasting time chasing the so-called brilliant life, and be your true self.

For the living, grasp every minute of life. There is no right or wrong in all choices. Only by trying and missing can we understand life more clearly.

Everyone is insignificant before life and death. We cannot control our destiny and predict the future.

It's better to go on a rampage, face the chaos, grasp every minute of life, not to realize any dream, just to enjoy the moment, just for this one and only one who is still breathing.

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Extended Reading

The Professor quotes

  • Claire: The person one loves at first is not the person one loves at last. Love is not an end. It's a process through which one person attempts to know another.


    Claire: That's it.

    Richard: And, in a word?

    Claire: In TWO words, deceptively simple.

  • Peter: Why are you wearing sunglasses?

    Richard: I have cancer. I'm supposed to wear sunglasses in unusual places.