The Story of Mr. Street | American Alternative Road Movie

Jacklyn 2022-03-20 09:01:47

The film gradually opened with soothing music.

With the accompaniment of the piano music, I thought in a trance that this was the melody that was about to end at the end of the film, but it was also the melody that started the narrative, as the camera began to fly over the vast state of Iowa, accompanied by the advancing camera of the harvester, stepping into a piece of At the same time as the golden cornfield, it also entered Mr. Street's life.

The Mr. Streeter at the beginning of the film is not as steady as we usually think of the elderly. His first shot is lying on the ground. At first, I had the same prejudice as the people in the small town. I always doubted Streeter. Whether Mr. can survive the first fifteen minutes of the film, but he seems to be saved by the progress bar until the end of the film.

Mr. Street is a stubborn World War II veteran. When his daughter wanted to send him to a nearby clinic for a check-up, Mr. Street resolutely refused. Before the doctor could speak, he said "no surgery". The doctor said to him, "But you need an action stand. Your blurred vision may be caused by diabetes."

"No need for inspection," said the stubborn Mr. Street. The doctor said: "The problem of your circulatory system should be caused by frequent smoking, and looking at him with worried eyes, if not treated immediately, there may be strong sequelae."

But after Mr. Street came home, he still lit a rough cigar, and while savoring it carefully, he sat on the rattan chair in front of the door, quietly looking at the sky...

Soon, my daughter received a call from a nurse who said that Uncle Ryle had had a stroke, and Mr. Street, who had been unable to move, had an idea that if I was about to die, I would like to see a doctor before that. Look at my sick brother, so Mr. Street, with his cane in both hands, slowly but surely fixed the lawnmower in the yard.

Before leaving, Mr. Street's daughter kept telling her father, but she didn't try to stop him, just said: "The first Uncle Ryle is in Wisconsin, and your eyesight is not good enough to drive, the second 370km You may have to spend the night on the road. Third, it is difficult for your pelvis to stand for two minutes. After that, my daughter naughtyly learned his movements and voices. Fourth, and most important, he has already 73 years old.

"You are 73 years old today Dad, I can't drive you anymore".

But this conversation didn't hit Mr. Street. Instead, he repainted the lawnmower and replaced some parts. The night before he left, Mr. Street and his daughter were lying on the grass in front of the door and looking at the starry sky in the sky. The daughter's eyes were full of tears, but he said: "The starry sky is very bright tonight".

Early the next morning, as the sun rose, Mr. Street drove his lawnmower down the long, quiet interstate.

So far, the genre of the film has finally been established.

A typical American road movie, but it is different from the previous road movies. First of all, he is not a young man, not a pair of young people and a pair of lovers, and a pair of lovers, but an old man who is over old. At 73 years old, he had to drive 375km to Wisconsin to meet his brother.

And a very special point, the director of this film is David Lynch, the representative of non-mainstream movies. This style is different from the style of any movie directed by David Lynch and is unique.

Going back to the film, no one can succeed casually. The journey of success will encounter many difficulties. Mr. Street's first difficulty is that after walking a certain distance, his lawn mower engine cannot be ignited. But he was not discouraged. After returning to his town, he asked someone to help him pull the machine back, put it in the backyard, took out a shotgun, and shot the machine twice, he made up his mind, he must go to Wisconsin, so he Bought a new tractor and hit the road again.

The first interesting person Mr. Street met on the road was a girl who was hitchhiking by the side of the road. At first it was a passing car. The girl gave a thumbs up to hitchhike, but the car But she didn't stop, and Mr. Streeter waved to him when he passed by her. The girl didn't give a thumbs up, she just looked at Mr. Streeter's tractor. I think the girl must have been thinking about it. Think, what is this old man doing on the road?

At night, Mr. Streeter picked up a bonfire on the side of the road. The girl followed the fire and walked to Mr. Streeter's side. The girl said that I couldn't catch a ride, but Mr. Streeter said, are you hungry? ?

In this way, two strangers who did not know each other took a branch and put foie gras in it, and had a feast between the bonfires. The girl asked Mr. Street how long he had been on the road, and Mr. Street said, I have been on the road for most of my life. .

After careful inquiries, Mr. Street knew that the girl had run away from home, and it had been five months. She did not tell her family, nor did she tell her boyfriend. He was very scared, afraid that the family would blame him. .

Mr. Street said they'd be pissed, but they wouldn't want to lose you, and it's better to have a warm home than a 70-year-old man around a campfire with a stick of foie gras much more.

Mr. Street talked about his daughter. Many people said that he had a low IQ, but she was not. He was a well-organized person, a good mother, and she had four children. When someone took care of the children for him that night, The room suddenly caught fire, and the child suffered serious burns. Although it was not her fault, the state government believed that he was responsible for educating the child, so it took the young son away from her. From that day on, she never missed her child every night. Watching other people's children in front of the bed.

Then Mr. Street told a story, when the children were little, I would teach the children to play a game, a stick, and tell them to break the stick, of course it was easy to do, but I told them to break the stick Tied up and tried again, which of course didn't work, and then I'd say that's the power of unity.

What is shown in the soothing guitar sound is the reason that is different from the previous road films, that is, family. In the past, people who traveled or wandered in order to escape something also escaped their families to a certain extent, and one of the motivations of Mr. Street shown in this film is the bond with his brother.

At the same time, it is also the driving force for Mr. Street to move forward. Early the next morning, the girl disappeared, leaving a bundle of wooden sticks made of her own daze beside the bonfire. I think she gave in to herself, he Five months of long wandering are over, and Mr. Street will move on.

On the way forward, Mr. Street encountered a torrential rain. The plains in this filming are depicted in the usual big scene style, and all the eyes can see are golden wheat fields, and I continue to drive my tractor, driving through the dreamlike land. like fields.

On the way to Wisconsin, while passing through a small town, the steep downhill caused problems that the tractor had accumulated during the trip. Finally, Mr. Street's tractor stopped, and here he encountered a family of With the help of kind-hearted people, the elders of the family and Mr. Street are also veterans of World War II, and in the tavern, they talked about their experiences during the war.

In this way, Mr. Street may, for the first time in his life, open up to a stranger about his long-hidden story.

This is the story of a Polish volunteer named Kotz. This young man is very clever, and his reconnaissance also saved Mr. Street and his comrades several times. One day, when I was in my usual position, I saw a Slow moving object, ten minutes later he moved again and I shot him,

The next day we found out that Coates was shot in the head... It turned out that he came back from reconnaissance from the front line. Everyone in our group thought that a German sniper shot him in the head. Everyone thought so, except myself...

The twins who repaired Mr. Streeter's tractor often bickered during the repair process, and Mr. Streeter saw everything in his eyes. The film here once again emphasized the friendship between Mr. Streeter and his brothers. He told them: "I'm going to drive it through rougher roads and hopefully it will hold up to Wisconsin . . .

Where my brother lives, I haven't seen him in ten years, and no one knows you better than your brother of the same age. Know more about who you are than anyone in the world. My brother and I said some ugly things the last time we met. I try not to think about it, it's really hard to swallow, I just hope I'm not too late, because brothers are always brothers.

After a few weeks, Mr. Street finally arrived in front of Ryle's house, and when he got out of the car, he leaned on trembling crutches and shouted his brother's name...

No one responded to him, and he shouted again, at which time Mr. Street's eyes were a little dull and his eyes were a little red. But with the sound of Alvin inside, the two old people on crutches finally met. They hadn't seen each other for ten years, and they looked at each other for a while.

Then Ryle said, "Did you come to see me with that thing?"

Mr. Street said: "Yes".

They know that there should be a lot of words in this meeting, but they have not had the next ten years. If we say goodbye this time, the next time we meet will be a funeral......

They looked up at the sky with tears in their eyes, looking at themselves and each other.

The screen came to an end with the sound of the guitar at the end.

The actor of the film, Richard Farnsworth, is a veteran American filmmaker who was born in the Great Depression era in the United States. The story of Mr. Street is his second Oscar nomination as the oldest candidate. Man, he died on October 6, 2000, and the 72nd Academy Awards were awarded on March 26, 2000. 17:30 PM.

It is said that he was holding the acceptance speech that he had written, and I don't know how to feel, because this is the last time he is on the Oscar stage, it is like the last time Mr. Street went to the movies Same as my brother in .

He's old, what's the worst thing to do when we're old?

I think the worst is to think back to my younger self...

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The Straight Story quotes

  • Alvin Straight: I want to thank you for your kindness to a stranger.

    Danny Riordan, Clermont Resident: It's been a genuine pleasure having you here, Alvin. Write to us some time.

    Alvin Straight: I will.

  • Pete: He'll never make it past the Grotto.