Two hours of plot, five minutes of special effects

Tyrel 2022-03-21 09:02:05

Two hours of plot, five minutes of special effects...

It’s still a typical American imperialist Hollywood heroism, another family and two brothers who saved the world... At the beginning of the movie, Hollywood knew China’s influence, and specifically said that this space station was led by the United States and China... Then there is nothing about China. It's a matter, the engineer is from the United States, the maintenance is from the United States, the data password is in the US president, no Chinese was found on the space station, and the only Chinese (Daniel Wu) discovered the problem in the explosion in Hong Kong, and it turned out to be a secret and went directly to the United States to report? ? Isn't it the first to go to the Party Central Committee? ? ? Although the light of socialism has not yet fully shone on Hong Kong, China's Hong Kong has been bombed to rubble. The Chinese government has not yet come forward. What's more interesting is that the whole world is exploding, and the United States is still giving speeches in the presidential election? ?

Let's talk about the sci-fi setting... It's a child-level setting, a space network stabilizes the global climate (although the goose's specific principles are not explained), it is clear that it has the possibility of becoming a potential weapon, or the United States has full control (you Do you think other countries will allow it?), and then infected by the virus, the only solution is to shut down and restart (what did the antivirus software engineer do? Need help from China), shutting down requires the password of the President of the United States alone, but restarting does not. Then there is the self-explosion protection device to prevent hitting the earth (are you sure that self-destruction can protect the earth? Shouldn’t it automatically reverse the outer space force? Is this the science fiction logic of the last century?), of course, after the self-destruction, the protagonist can of course bring Halo Miracle is alive~

There are also various bugs, so I won't go into details... In short, the brotherhood line is successful, the special effects are OK, the rest... just look at it

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Geostorm quotes

  • Jake Lawson: [Confronting him] Come on, man. Why'd you do it?

    Duncan Taylor: Well, you know well what us lowly scientists get paid. Take that a thousand times.

    Jake Lawson: What difference is it gonna make? If you don't stop, there's not gonna be a planet to spend it on.

    Duncan Taylor: Please. We're gonna keep all the best bits. Aren't you a little bit curious to watch the world burn?

    Jake Lawson: No. 'Cause millions of people are gonna die. And one of them's my daughter.

  • Max Lawson: I gotta show you something. Take a look at this.

    Jake Lawson: [watching video] You remember that day Dad took us fishing? He dropped his cell phone in Key Biscayne.

    Max Lawson: Our dad never took us fishing.

    Dana: Oh. That's sad. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not any good at the, like, "talk about your daddy issues" kind of friend thing. I just...

    Max Lawson: What? No, no, no... It's a code.