Seahorses and Beehives

Thurman 2022-03-20 09:02:11

* In the case of serious mental illness, the father still gave his daughter a healthy and independent soul;

* People have the right to live alone without being integrated into society, and park staff also have the responsibility to clean up the occupants;

* Goodwill and trust between strangers;

* The greatest respect for a person is to respect his/her freedom;

* Seahorses and beehives allude to two different ways of life;

* Even if you choose a different path, you can still maintain emotional and life bonds.

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Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.