His wife cheated, his daughter came out, and the terminally ill he wanted to have fun and die

Bailee 2022-11-19 08:08:39

Today, I saw a hot search on Weibo: The average life expectancy in Japan has reached a new high, and the average life expectancy of Japanese men and women has increased to more than 80 years old.

From "cancer vaccines" to increasing life expectancy, people are tirelessly researching ways to increase the length of life. But death is still the ultimate topic we have to face , how would you spend it if you only had six months left? Is it stagnation, depression and autism, or indulging in pleasure and living a wonderful life?

Philosopher Wiener said: "We are passengers in wrecked ships on a doomed planet. We will go to the abyss, but even in the dying hour we should preserve human dignity."

Freud believed: "Life and death are human instincts, death is the ultimate goal of life, and the goal of life is to die." Intellectuals who are keen to think about the ultimate proposition of death always think more. But the so-called "easier to do", it is not an easy task for anyone to face death.

So, when a philosophical and romantic literature professor finds out that he has terminal lung cancer and only six months to live, what will he do?

This is the story of Johnny Depp's new book "The Professor," and his choices are: "No zuo, No die, No life."

"Professor" ▼Death Comes Johnny Depp this time played the role of Richard, a university literature professor with a sullen appearance but a refined heart.

At the beginning of the film, Richard is sentenced to death by the doctor: if he does not receive treatment for advanced lung cancer, he can only live up to six months. Death is a bolt from the blue for any middle-aged man, and Richard is no exception.

When he just received the "death notice", he was extremely resistant, extremely repulsive, unwilling and unwilling to accept it for a while. But after experiencing the process of struggling and becoming decadent and giving up on himself, Richard suddenly "thinks about it"

He changed the elite image of the intellectuals in the past, and was always ready to greet the old mother of the other party. But life has to live, it's not dead yet.

Richard calmed down and first thought of the two most important women in his life-wife and daughter, and he wanted to announce this unfortunate news at the dinner table. Unexpectedly, the wife and daughter broke the news first, the daughter came out of the closet, and the wife cheated

What's even more ironic is that the object of his wife's derailment turned out to be his immediate boss, the principal. The two atomic bombs detonated at the same time without warning, and the powerful gravitational waves shook Richard speechless, holding back the news of his death that he was about to announce.

There is no doubt that Richard has an internal injury.

A real fucking life, you should think about how to live the rest of your life, anyway, it's only a few months, how can it go wrong. But try to "do" it.

Professor and Professor "Fire Thief" are professors after all. Even if it is "freeing himself", Richard's first thought is "bringing the children to play together". He has brought about a sea-shaking reform in his literature classroom. The first step in Richard's "curriculum reform" was to get rid of those who were not interested in literature in the classroom, leaving the children with only one semester task: to stand on the podium as a teacher and recommend a book to the class. The students hula-la away in large numbers, leaving only a few people.

But Richard didn't take them to business, but openly skipped class, drank for three days, and even begged the students for drugs with a smile on his face. Is this the teacher? "Call the Beast Ben Beast" managed to scare away the few people, but it also left the students who appreciated this true temperament.

In their eyes, Richard is different, someone who has the courage to be himself. Condensation is the essence, and Richard is finally getting down to business. He decides to get to know the few students who are "fruitful" and teach them something real in his final days.

A self-introduction started, but before the first student finished speaking, Richard asked sharply: Why do we want to know you, and what are your life plans?

This question can confuse all academic bullies: What the hell is a life plan? Don't you just finish your studies, find a good job, earn a lot of money, start a family, and reach the pinnacle of your life?

Richard looked at the group of children playfully, and really started his first lesson: no matter what age he is, he must understand why he lives and what attitude he should live with. As time went on, Richard's "curriculum reform" became more and more "excessive". He even took the children to escape from the classroom to chat on the lawn and gossip.

He encourages children to think independently, because the world needs people who love to think. Don't choose mediocrity, life is a song of birds, to live wonderfully and profoundly. After these moments of collision of ideas, the children gradually understood what Richard's so-called "life planning" means: they must be clear about what kind of person they want to become, "dead at twenty-five and buried at seventy-five". Life has no meaning. Many movies have expressed the view that "interest is the best teacher" and "the truest state of life is to be yourself".

In the classic educational film "Dead Poets Society", the hero Mr. Keating also told the children to "live in the moment and have fun in time, so as not to go to the end of life and realize that you have never really lived." He took his children to challenge and question authority and even the world. Encourage children to find a newer world, with a heroic heart, to struggle, explore, discover, embrace the challenges in life, and never give in. Also a literature teacher, the expression in "Professor" is more simple and rude: study if you like it, don't stay in the classroom if you don't like it and waste time.

There is no hard work without hard work, and learning is just an experience and a choice. The real learning is not limited to the form, the collision of ideas is the most important. Whether it is Mr. Keating or Professor Richard, their educational philosophy exudes the light of idealism: teachers should be fire thieves, using the spark of truth and knowledge to ignite children's lives.

A good education is one heart approaching another heart, one soul colliding with another soul, and a good teacher will sow a seed in the hearts of students, water them carefully, wait for them to sprout and grow, and lead them to find their own voice.

The logic of a normal person living in the present is that life comes first, and then life and death; but Richard's logic is that life comes first and life comes second. This kind of thinking logic is a bit cruel to people who are dying, but it is also a bit cruel. Provides a perfect opportunity to examine yourself. Richard uses his philosophical thinking and action power to perfectly explain what it means to "live in the moment and have fun in time". He took the kids to the bar, opened up, told them to keep thinking: what are we left with but alive?

People are mortal, and the reason why life is called life is because of the word "live" . It is the most important thing to live a wonderful life. Just after giving the students "a lesson in life", the next step Richard practiced "just in time" and gave the barmaid an ambiguous wink. Since then, he has been out of control, completely "freeing himself".

Richard is finally no longer a spiritual monument in the hearts of the students, but a lustful, living person who "works" and is presumptuous. Enough of the "work" and the tossing, Richard began to re-examine his life. Only by considering death as his closest partner can he squeeze out that second of time to be grateful for the little remaining time of his life.

He bid farewell to his old friend, grateful to his wife, the most admirable opponent, grateful to the various opportunities and challenges in life, grateful to everyone he met, and made him himself. Saying goodbye is hard. It takes a lot of courage to live out oneself.

Real maturity lies in how much suffering a person can endure silently, not just a few words of chicken soup.

I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life And not when I came to die To put to rout all that was not life And not when I came to die discover that I had not lived.

Find out that you have never lived.

- Henry David Thoreau

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The Professor quotes

  • Claire: The person one loves at first is not the person one loves at last. Love is not an end. It's a process through which one person attempts to know another.


    Claire: That's it.

    Richard: And, in a word?

    Claire: In TWO words, deceptively simple.

  • Peter: Why are you wearing sunglasses?

    Richard: I have cancer. I'm supposed to wear sunglasses in unusual places.