I love you so much that I can do anything?

Tyrel 2022-09-21 15:24:38

I am in love with you, Baker.

The first step, in order to get close to you, follow, track, and steal a few small things that don’t matter. My love for you filled my empty heart and boring life, and I became a somewhat neurotic stalker. I love you, in order to understand you, I can do anything!

Step 2, slowly walk into your life, in order to deal with all the people who may hurt you, I started to kill people. In order to get rid of the malicious people in my heart, I am not a wicked one. My motivation for doing evil is to be peaceful. Is there anyone in the world who loves you more selflessly than me? ! I love you, I can do anything to get you!

The third step, together, although life is full of suspicion and lies, but still very happy. Until you discover my secret, the person I protect and love discovers my unbearableness, I can only knock you out, imprison you, and you refuse to accept me to understand me. In the end, it is really helpless that I make up my mind. Covered your nose and mouth. You will threaten me, I'm sorry I ended up reaching you with my claws. I love you, I can do whatever I want to prevent you from revealing me! !

Step 4, in order to help you fulfill your wish during your lifetime and accomplish what you have always wanted to accomplish but did not accomplish, I wrote a book for you and promoted sales in the center of my bookstore. You finally became an outstanding person in the eyes of the world. Writer, it’s just a pity that you can’t enjoy this glory for yourself. The thought of not being with you makes my life boring. Until another person I am interested in appeared in my vision, she reminded me of you... She let me smell the taste of love, and my sad life began to fade... I love her, love...

If the newly-appearing woman is not an ex-girlfriend, the ending of the show is perfect. You can do anything in the middle of love to death, and then it seems that God does not do beautiful things and does not develop as expected, causing things to get out of control. But in the end a new person appeared, and a new cycle began again. Perhaps the newly-appearing woman is an ex-girlfriend, and it is easier to shoot the second season.

When I first watched this drama, I always felt very uneasy. I felt that in order to convey the correct values ​​of evil and righteousness, the male protagonist would definitely be punished. However, it did not. Appreciate the screenwriter’s unique understanding and handling of "good and evil will be rewarded".

When Baker was trapped in the glass house in the basement, he thought that Baker would really be locked into a psychological distortion to understand Joe and use a twisted love run as a happy ending. Unexpectedly, the ending is like this. Baker's efforts to escape made me feel for the first time that this character has excellent qualities of independence and tenacity.

You want to have someone who loves you more than anything else and can do anything for you. You will also use this expression to describe your love for each other, "I can do anything for you."

"I can do anything for you", this sentence is extremely scary, regardless of my own feelings, regardless of morality, law, and ethics, without principles and no bottom line to please another person. It looks very cool. Very free and easy, isn't it? Sounds deep in love, right? First of all, you have hurt the foundation of your own existence-your principles, your bottom line, and your heartfelt feelings. Secondly, if you hurt others, you hurt the life principle of existence in this world and coexistence of human beings—to live in peace.

If you don't love yourself so much, if you think about it this way, your relationship will go wrong in the long run. Whatever you can do for you, is this selfish or unselfish? If you do this, being loved is not happiness, but torturing each other.

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