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Let's make the explosion more violent!
Shanna 2022-03-23 09:03:36
Eliezer 2022-03-31 09:01:09
With zero contact with 'terrorists', is death worth it? Let's take a look at the experience of being a 'meat bomb'. The fate of a small person reflects the belief, dignity and redemption of a nation.
Raina 2022-03-23 09:03:36
It seems that everyone is impressed by the flash at the end, but the scene that attracts me the most is that after the protagonist lets go of the bus, the protagonist's dark face is finally illuminated by the sun, which is full of symbolism.
Car Owner: It's still crooked.
Said: What?
Car Owner: It's still crooked.
Said: What, the bumper?
Car Owner: What else?
Said: It's brand new.
Car Owner: Maybe, but it's still crooked.
Said: I'll take another look at it, sir.
Car Owner: What for? It's crooked!
Said: I don't think so.
Car Owner: Are you saying I'm blind?
Said: No, but you might be mistaken. Looks can be deceiving.
Car Owner: My eyes are fine, and thank God for that.
Said: And it's not crooked.
Car Owner: Yes, it is! It's fucking crooked!
Khaled: No, it's not.
Car Owner: Get Abu Salim and have him look at it.
Khaled: It's not crooked. You're probably cross-eyed.
Car Owner: What did you say?
Khaled: It's straight at a ruler.
Car Owner: Go get Abu Salim. He'll tell you.
Said: I'll check it with a level.
[he takes a level and gives it to Khaled, who checks it]
Car Owner: So who's cross-eyed now?
Said: You are, sir. See? The ground's uneven, but the bumper's straight.
Car Owner: Are you trying to screw me over? I can see it myself.
Khaled: Israel views partnership with and equality for the Palestinians under the same democratic system as suicide for the Jewish state. Nor will they accept a two-state compromise even though that is not fair to the Palestinians. We are to either accept the occupation forever or disappear. We've tried with all possible means to end the occupation with political and peaceful means. Despite it all, Israel continues to build settlements, confiscate land, Judaize Jerusalem and carry out ethnic cleansing. They use their war machine and their political and economical might to force us to accept their solution: that either we accept inferiority, or we will be killed.