Love is innocent, you don't need to change

Chaim 2022-10-14 06:01:23

This gay abstinence center is a class. There are learning machines that strive to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, always obsessed with grades, and force themselves to unconditionally follow the teacher's words and follow the teacher's pace, like Jon; there is always insisting on his own position, retaining his own point of view, and always fighting against the teacher to let the teacher The most troublesome troublemaker, like Cameron; there is a little transparent who hides in the middle of these two extremes, pretending to be obedient and well-behaved but is actually bohemian, and avoids the teacher's over-concern in the smartest way, like Gary; of course, there are also people like Gary Like Jared, he struggled to change, and he was determined after swinging. At first he was a well-behaved and obedient student from his teacher, but unlike Jon, he kept his mind sober. Because of his respect and love for his parents, he was determined to change himself. He persuaded himself to join the devil's project. He tried to listen to the teacher's words and complete the assigned tasks. He tried to list his sins to God. The first sin was Henry, because he was forced to have sex with the same sex. The great pain he brought was the reason why he came here. He began to shake when he saw Sarah trembling alone in her position after she had counted her guilt, and when he saw Gary who seemed to be sincerely speaking out about his sin and begging God's forgiveness, but in fact his hands were shaking slightly . He listed the second count, Xavier. But how could Xavier be guilty? He was talented and wise, he told Jared that we were our own gods, he begged Jared to stay, he told Jared that nothing would happen, and finally the two slept on the bed facing each other, fingers clasped together, leaving a passionate love silent blooming in silence. You see, there is no impurity, no evil, two people are equal, how can instinctive love be a crime? Unlike Gary, he chose to disguise. When he found that the figure of his lover could not be erased from his mind, when he realized that this instinct and nature could not be changed and did not need to be changed at all, he chose to flee bravely and chose to face it honestly. He eventually became Cameron, the mischievous king who went against his teacher, and because of his mother's understanding and protection, he had a very different ending from Cameron. Each student in the project started their story around "change", but ended with "can't change." Jon was so convinced that this project could erase his label, he insisted on salute instead of contact with others, and finally grabbed Jared's wrist when he turned around angrily; Gary can admit that same-sex love is his own in front of everyone Guilty, slightly trembling hands betrayed his painful and struggling heart; Jared made up his mind to change because of his parents' love, and finally gave up the change because of his own love; and Cameron, he refused with the most determined attitude and cruelest way. Change. Because love is innocent. As Xavier said: "Everyone is his own God." No one has the right to judge me, and no one can change me. Those who are truly guilty are those who cannot accept this love, those who distort and obliterate this love with their ugly hearts and vicious words, and those who are scrambling to stand on the moral high ground to judge. If homosexuality is a kind of label In other words, this label should not be erased, and deserve more respect and understanding. They try to embrace the world with bravery and sincerity, and we should use respect and tolerance to take care of them who are fragile and cautious, so that after they are freed from the protection of their mother's wings, they can stick their hands out of the window and feel the trust and peace of the sun and breeze. courage.

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Boy Erased quotes

  • Jared Eamons: I wish this never happened but sometimes I thank God that it did.

  • Marshall Eamons: Study the Bible. Study his word. I guarantee you, every question you have... You gonna find an answer in this book.