"Variety of Civet Cats": Coexistence and Harmony between Man and Nature, Oneself and Oneself

Dina 2022-03-21 09:02:50

This article was first published on the public account: Swing Movies

Recently everyone is talking about a topic: garbage classification .

Why is China so eager to sort waste?

Because the problems caused by human destruction of the environment are imminent...

If you still don’t understand the harm that the environment brings to our daily life, you can read this article pushed by [People’s Daily] : “Why is China so anxious to sort garbage? " .

The embarrassing situation in which nature is opposed to people is probably a problem that we will all face in our lifetime.

The author recently revisited such a movie: "Variety of Civet Cats" , which happens to be in line with this theme, and I recommend it to everyone.

Some commented on it: laughing all the way, ending painfully. Not because it was a tragedy, but because it was cruel and sad, especially in the end, the civet cats tried their best to imagine their former hometown, forests, fields, streams and the good life of the past.

In a big green forest, there is a group of pure and optimistic civet cats.

After generations, they still live each day at a leisurely pace.

But one day, a group of people began to cut down the forest on the mountain.

It turned out that human beings are developing this mountain into a residential area.

In order to stop the destructive behavior of human beings, the civet cats gathered for a meeting and unanimously adopted 3 plans.

The first one is to learn an ancient and abandoned secret technique: transfiguration .

Next, learn to watch TV and study human beings.

In the end, the whole clan abstained from sex for one year .

After a lot of hard work, the secret technique finally succeeded.

At the same time, human exploitation has become increasingly excessive.

Therefore, the civet cats decided to try out the transformation technique to stop the behavior of humans, trying to scare them away.

The civet cats showed their magical powers, pretended to be ghosts , and scared many people away, but there will always be more replacements.

So the civet cats decided to play the big ticket and held a huge ghost parade to warn humans to give up the development plan.

The civet cats are full of fantastic transformations and costumes, and the effect is very good, stunned and stunned by humans.

Unexpectedly, the "credit" was snatched away by a greedy amusement park owner who claimed it was an advertisement he made.

So things didn't make big waves like this, and they were gradually forgotten by people.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a new spring has arrived. The civet cat, who has been abstinent for a year, can no longer bear it...

[Everywhere, couples in love are talking about love, and even the sky is shining with rosy light. 】

As can be expected, a large number of fox cubs were born, while the food available in the mountains was decreasing day by day.

In order to survive, in desperation, the civet cats had to fight head-on with humans .

In the face of powerful human beings, this is clearly a tragedy of disparity in strength.

In the end, the tanuki can't stop the human development plan.

The surviving civet cats can only use the last mana to collectively create an illusion: a little bit of green spreads, and the green hills, green water, fields, flowers, butterflies of the former homeland... briefly reappear in every civet cat's world.

There is a scene in the film: When the civet cat, who went out for three years in search of a rescue method, came home and saw his former friends, but he could not recognize his hometown at all. Give it back to me, give me back the wilderness.

If we say that crying is a kind of catharsis, but not being able to cry is a kind of heartache.

Finally, humans established reservations for the surviving civet cats .

The civet cat, who doesn't know how to incarnate, can't get enough to eat in the small reserve, but still lives strong.

Whether it is a development plan or a traffic accident, Tanuki is still leisurely and cheerful, living strong, raising children, and ending his short life .

The civet cat, who learned the incarnation technique, disguised himself as a human, forcing himself to adapt and spend the rest of his life reluctantly in the city.

Like human beings, they squeeze the subway to go to work day after day, barely holding on, and occasionally feel that it is difficult to hold on, and they still think: Going to work ruins the body, how can human beings live like this?

At the end: the male protagonist Tanzi turned into a young office worker, looking at the mountains and the former hometown with dark circles in the crowded urban railway.

After arriving at the station, the young man was walking on the road in a tired state, and suddenly he saw three civet cats running past and jumping into the sewer...

The young man smiled and jumped into the sewer excitedly. He really saw his former partner dancing under the moonlight... While taking off his clothes, he ran and shouted: It's me, I'm back...

The film seems to be a story of animals fighting for the environment and finally failing, but in fact, it is also a story of people compromising in the rapid iterative technological progress and social changes.

In order to survive, the civet cat had to change, and even if it was ever-changing, it could no longer embrace the green waters and green mountains that had disappeared.

In order to survive, human beings are also changing. We have suffered in reality, and we begin to pretend to be adults, hiding our carefree self .

In fact, how different are we from civet cats? In order to survive, it is not necessary to learn to live in harmony with the society and ourselves.

On the surface, Isao Takahata seems to be talking about another level of "environmental protection" just like Hayao Miyazaki, but in fact he expresses a higher level of coexistence and harmony .

We humans not only coexist with the same kind, but also other animals, creatures, etc., and all in the same space.

When sharing the same space, there will be inevitable connections. In order to survive and continue in a more harmonious way, coexistence and harmony between them have become the most basic requirements.

Because the behavior of either party may have an impact on both parties invisibly. For example, the garbage we throw away every day poisons some creatures, but it does not disappear. It will always appear in our life in other forms one day...

As a member of human beings, protecting the environment must start with little things. These truths we have known since childhood have turned into empty slogans for proud people...

If you cannot consciously accept the coexistence and harmony between man and nature, then it becomes necessary to start from the rigid requirements of garbage sorting!

No one can save our home except ourselves !

So, from today onwards, do your little bit.

If you like my article, welcome to my public account [Swing Movie] to play with me

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Pom Poko quotes

  • Seizaemon: All pray!

    [the tanuki put their hands together and bow]

    Osho: I'd like to say a prayer for the victims of this operation.

    [At this point, some of the tanuki start to snigger]

    Osho: We wish that we could save our forest without harming any humans. That was never our intention, but our forest is near and dear to us, and we...

    [the tanuki all burst into raucous laughter and head for the exit]

  • TamasaburôBuntaTanuki: [singing] Let's turn into every sacred icon we can think of. Some are this and some are that...

    [They do backflips into the air and turn into various items; stone Buddhas, lucky cats, painted eggs, kitsune sculptures, gold carp sculptures, monkey sculptures and Tanuki sculptures. Ponkichi rushes to join in and tries copying them. He does various poses but is unable to transform]

    Shokichi: [narrating] Back then, all I thought about was transforming. I never dreamed that my friend Ponkichi might just want to be a normal raccoon.