personal impression

Jamey 2022-04-24 06:01:01

I remember watching the broadcast of the Oscars and performing the original song "Glory" from the movie "Selma". The black actors reproduced the firmness and courage when they resolutely walked across the bridge. There was a standing ovation, and the actor who played Martin Luther King Jr. burst into tears. Later, after a long time, I looked for a movie to watch. I watched it three times, and I will never forget that the black residents living in Selma knew that when they walked across the bridge, there was purgatory on the other side of the bridge. The baton, the tear gas, the heinous crime that everyone could not tolerate, even death, but they still walked over firmly. This scene cannot be forgotten to this day. "Selma".

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Extended Reading

Selma quotes

  • Ralph Abernathy: This information, coming from the FBI, I assume from a high level, the same high level that's been tracking us like animals?

  • Martin Luther King Jr.: No, Sheriff Clark, we're going in the front.

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