Chanting your name, like wishing to the stars

Clay 2021-11-28 08:01:20

I've been watching Susan Abhava's novel "David's Scar" for the past two days. I don't know whether it is association or empathy, which makes my mind immediately jump to this movie that I don't want to remember anymore.

"Scorched Earth" is one of the few films I watched during my busy 2011. The only one I didn’t drink water, went to WC or ate snacks, and even turned off my mobile phone halfway through. I read it intermittently; it was also the only one that I didn’t want to watch a second time after I finished it. Because of the weakness of my heart, I don’t want me to face the story of this slow narrative, rough style, and no handsome actresses. I even consciously told myself to forget it and never again. Remember. When I read Sophocles many years ago, I didn't understand why he wrote the so-called tragedy of fate, because when I was young, I always believed that the people who orthodox education taught me would conquer the heavens. And now I understand that Sophocles has turned fate into a black line, and every life is a pawn held by this black line, just like Oedipus struggling no matter what. , Shouting, are no match for the black hole of fate pointed by the singing team's gloomy singing.

Two brothers and sisters, Simon and Jenny, who live in modern and highly civilized Canada, are more or less forced by the death of their mother, an immigrant from the Middle East, the introverted and gloomy office secretary Naval. , Successively embarked on a journey to find his brother and father who had never met before. Jenny first came to the place where her mother lived when she was young, but she found that her mother’s name had become an unpopular taboo in her hometown. Through a veiled investigation, she found that her mother’s experience in the motherland was bizarre and complicated. She went to university and participated in the talk. The resistance movement did not know who was right and who was wrong, and later even found a picture of her mother in the archives of the Southern Prison. The old prison guard told her mother of the torture and shame she suffered in the prison. Under the unbearable weight of the heart, Simon rushed here and succeeded his sister to continue to dig out his mother’s past. The prison guards, old nurses, and a series of witnesses from the mother’s experience in those days, said the mother buried for decades. Secretly, the two brothers and sisters embraced and healed each other with tears in front of the irrefutable truth. It turns out that 1+1 is really not equal to 2.

Who is right and who is wrong? Nawar, a girl from the Lebanese mountain area (the film does not indicate which Middle Eastern country the story took place in, but I can understand it with my superficial knowledge of international current affairs, it can only be here) was born in a traditional Christian family, but had love with Muslim youths, planning When she was eloped, she was discovered by her brothers. He shot and killed her lover without hesitation, and then he did not hesitate to kill her. Out of pity, the old grandmother rescued her and allowed the original one in her womb. Children born are not allowed to survive. In this death-filled film, the first climax is this birth. The gloomy mountain hut, the blood-stained bed, the close-up shot is aimed at the scissors that cut the umbilical cord. The black round mark, accompanied by the sharp cry of a baby whose heel was scalded, is such a cruel separation of mother and child, but a boy's life can blossom. With the child being sent away, Naval was also sent out of his hometown, seeking refuge with relatives and friends in a different place, and going to university. It is difficult for us to understand that men and women who have different faiths but truly love each other cannot be allowed to live, and mothers cannot be allowed to be with their children, but this is the reality of this land. During the filming, the actresses chatted with local women and asked how they would treat their daughter if something like this happened to them. All the originally kind and generous mothers frowned and spoke sternly. He vowed that if his daughter had such behavior, he would be the first to kill her with his own hands.

Who turned this once-beautiful piece of land into scorched earth with rubble, and who turned those souls full of affection into empty and cruel scorched earth?

In the name of the so-called faith, deciding the life and death of a fresh life seems to be a meaningless thing. When the bus carrying Muslims was stopped by the Christian militia, Navarre looked at the eyes of the mother-daughter surviving, and put aside all the damn beliefs, saved herself with the cross on her neck, and also saved the little girl. Got out of the car. When the Christian militiamen burned the gasoline-filled bus, they laughed and fired at the car. They also killed the little Muslim girl Naval saved because of the nature of the mother-daughter that prevented her from seeing her mother. Was burned to death in the fire. At this time, the camera once again pointed at the portrait of the Virgin on the barrels of the militiamen. The Blessed Virgin loves her children so compassionately. Allah also asks her people to be honest, patient, and forgive. But what do those who believe in them on the earth do? Naval had already understood the pain that faith gave her. When she saw the orphanage where her adopted son was in ruins, her mother's love had already turned into a fire of revenge. She threw away the cross and joined the Muslim assassination organization. A bullet did not let her. Killing the real killer enemy brought her seven years of nightmarish prison life.

She is the "singing woman" in prison, the "bitch number seventy-four". Unreasonable hatred and fanatical belief can turn any flesh-and-blood person into a devil. Fascism is the best example. Everyone thinks that he is a victim, so he can cause even more terrible torture to aliens and infidels. In order to prove his authority, the young guards adopted the most humiliating behavior for female prisoners. And in that prison with no sky, Naval sang monotonous songs day after day, but the spiritual self-consolation could not erase the increasingly obvious proof of shame on the body. The film does not directly show the dirty and terrible death in the prison, but it gives a second "life" climax-under the cold incandescent lamp, Naval's hands are handcuffed back to the delivery bed, a compassionate nurse Tell her: You are brave, really, now, ready to give birth to a second one. The close-up was aimed at the nurse's bloodied hand, tightly holding the mother's thin ankle.

Who is right and who is wrong? Was it the organization that took advantage of the hatred of Naval’s lost son and sent her entire assassination tool into the cell? After all, they kept the safety of her and the twins in prison, and after she was released from prison, they arranged for her to go to Canada with the children, and thus obtained a stable life. Was it the young guard who raped Naval? Under the bloody storm of war, who has no tragic history behind it? Just like in "David's Scar", the psychological activity of the Israeli soldier Moxia who stole Dalia’s second son Ismail: This Arab woman can get several children gifted by God, and he has experienced the terrorist massacre. His wife, Qoranta, was tortured by the Nazis so that he could no longer have children. How unfair it was that he was crying in his heart. Everyone is burdened with blood and tears of their own, loved ones, loved ones, family, and the nation, and who can find inner balance with the overflow of hatred? The Arab baby Ismail was stolen and became an Israeli. He became a soldier, beating his own brother and massacring his real compatriots. What is all this for? For the land, for the homeland, for the faith, for the sufferings of our ancestors and ourselves? If Sophocles was alive, would he be excited for his insight into the cruelty of fate two thousand years ago?

The people on this land are manipulated by the mask of God forever, and their hideous faces will not have any mercy for individual lives. Naval, who was burdened with pain, lived peacefully in a foreign country into his old age, but in a chance encounter in a swimming pool, he saw the heel that had been burned in his mind for many years, and the fierce anticipation, after a turn, turned into an extinct one. Darkness and bottomless cracks, this poor woman who had been painfully wrapped in the turbulent torrent for a lifetime, was finally pulled to the end of her life by the black thread of fate. Before death, she wrote down her love for everyone with trembling hands. She can finally tell her elder son frankly that she has actually had the most beautiful encounter with him; tell Ximen and Jenny that her mother actually loves them very much, really loves them very much, and tells Longfengtai’s father that this is in front of her. Two handsome boys and girls are his children. And how he will deal with the past that he has long forgotten, and the truth before him, the camera only leaves me with his back in front of Naval's grave and his hands hanging down.

What should be used to deal with hatred? Is it swinging a bigger club to make the enemy shed more blood and make their wives and daughters cry more painful? The director asked Ximeng and Jenny to tell us an answer. When they finally put the mother's two letters—to the son and to the father—in the hands of the intended recipients, the twins smiled slightly. , Then turned and left. Seeing this, I endured tears for more than two hours. The birth of every life, no matter what the environment, is accompanied by the most beautiful wishes. Naval in "Scorched Earth", Amel and Sara in "David's Scar" are all long The vowel name, and the long vowel in the name, represents hope.

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