"Hope our country can love us as we love her"

Gudrun 2022-11-10 03:08:36

At the end of the film, Rimbaud said this sentence: "I hope our country can love us as we love her."

In the context of war, individuals are infinitely reduced, and flesh and blood have become parts of the war machine, sprinkling blood on the concept of a "country". The general logic of the general anti-Japanese war films in the celestial dynasty is to demonize the invaders, infinitely raise the heroes of the war, and create a duality of black and white. There is no lack of heroism, but this kind of heroism is a mythical individual, essentially a tool of state propaganda.

The United States has films like "Saving Private Ryan" and "First Blood". They think about the relationship between the individual and the collective—the individual should love the country and give everything to the country, but how should the country love individually?

Thinking further, what is the so-called state? If it is said that to protect a country is to protect the people of this country, then in "First Blood 2", is Modak, who treats the Vietnam War veterans like grass, also the object of the protection of a country? Should the soldiers themselves who died on the battlefield be the objects of protection?

Some questions like this are extremely scary to think carefully. I have not yet been able to answer these questions well. But looking at films like "First Blood 2", it is they that lead people to think and pay attention to the group of Vietnam War veterans. Perhaps this is their meaning. As a tough guy with iron and blood, there are naturally exaggerated character creations in Rimbaud, but when he meets someone he truly trusts, he will still cry like a child. At that moment, he is a man of flesh and blood, not just a state machine. Numb parts, this is where the "First Blood" series is higher than the domestic anti-Japanese war movies.

In addition, "Tomb Raider" should be a tribute to "First Blood". Laura's ice axe, Blue Wave's dagger, and the compound bow, grenade arrow, silent kill, and guerrilla tactics that both of them have. Even the costumes of the characters have similarities. very interesting.

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Rambo: First Blood Part II quotes

  • Rambo: Sir, do we get to win this time?

  • [last lines]

    Trautman: John where are you going?

    Rambo: I don't know.

    Trautman: You'll get a second medal of honor for this.

    [Rambo looks over at the rescued POWs]

    Rambo: You should give it to them. They deserve it more.

    Trautman: You don't belong here, why don't you come back with me?

    Rambo: Back to what? My friends died here, and a piece of me did too.

    Trautman: The war, the whole conflict may have been wrong, but damn it, don't hate your country for it.

    Rambo: Hate? I'd die for it.

    Trautman: Then what is it you want?

    Rambo: I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!

    Trautman: How will you live, John?

    Rambo: Day by day.