Second blood

D'angelo 2022-12-23 22:53:01

This one succeeds the previous one, Rambo labors in the vegetable market to reform. The old boss came to find him to complete the task. He accepted the task. Met a bastard politician and two bastards. Politicians talk freely and show off technological weapons. Let Rambo, the old boss and even the audience think that Rambo is guaranteed this time. Before the mission was carried out, Rambo told the old boss before boarding that there was a fraud. However, Rambo jumped off the plane without hesitation and started to perform the task. He cut off his equipment, only the dagger, a bow and some bows and arrows. Rambo met with the connector and found that it was a woman (I think it was pretty, with brown pupils). I also searched for this actress because this movie was selected as the Golden Plum Award. As the movie progressed, I found out why she won this award, I will talk about it later. The girl followed Rambo to rescue a prisoner of war, and then prepared to go back to the base by helicopter as planned. After rushing out of the bullets, the old boss and two gangsters drove a helicopter to Rambo's head. The old boss reported to the headquarters that Rambo had rescued the prisoners of war. The bastard politician immediately turned his face and ordered the operation to be cancelled. The old boss was held hostage by two people and couldn't do more. Rambo and the prisoners of war watched as the helicopter flew away from them, surrounded by the enemy and dropped the AK47 in their hands. The old boss returned to the headquarters and questioned the politicians. It turns out that this is just a cutscene in politics. It can also be seen from this that there are also problems in capitalist society. From the first to the second, the U.S. government is really incompetent, with Hubei Wuhan F4 Similarly, doing nothing, Rambo has never received the respect he deserves as a soldier in the Vietnam War. Speaking of the movie, Rambo began to be tortured again, placed in a cesspit or a paddy field. The locust crawled on Rambo's body, and the Soviet Union intervened. The torture began, and then the girl came to rescue Rambo. The girl was killed, Rambo fled, hijacked the plane, and returned to the enemy’s nest to the ground. Several prisoners of war were saved this time. Finally returned to the base and warned the politicians to rescue all prisoners of war still in Vietnam. This time Rambo was still the wronged one, the deceived tool. He tried his best and couldn't do more. This movie is still like the previous one. The US government can't solve the problems left by the Vietnam War. Of course, after every war, there will be some bad things, and there will be more or less deficiencies and owes. From the film and television literary works I have watched for so many years, the Vietnam War has never been pleased. It is only about ideology, which consumes a lot of countries and suffers heavy losses. During the Vietnam War, the US economy suffered a severe decline and its status was shaken. The government was condemned and dissatisfied by the masses. The United States is still repeating its history, constantly intervening in other countries' civil wars and internal affairs. How dare they? In this regard, we will condemn the relevant departments and persons in charge of the man-made disaster of the epidemic. Learning history is a lesson for you, not a repeat.

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Rambo: First Blood Part II quotes

  • Rambo: Sir, do we get to win this time?

  • [last lines]

    Trautman: John where are you going?

    Rambo: I don't know.

    Trautman: You'll get a second medal of honor for this.

    [Rambo looks over at the rescued POWs]

    Rambo: You should give it to them. They deserve it more.

    Trautman: You don't belong here, why don't you come back with me?

    Rambo: Back to what? My friends died here, and a piece of me did too.

    Trautman: The war, the whole conflict may have been wrong, but damn it, don't hate your country for it.

    Rambo: Hate? I'd die for it.

    Trautman: Then what is it you want?

    Rambo: I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!

    Trautman: How will you live, John?

    Rambo: Day by day.