Even if you are abandoned by the country, you have to blaze a trail

Lloyd 2022-12-23 04:03:26

The plot immediately follows the previous one, but this time Rambo is no longer a self-defense counterattack, but just serves the country. At this time, he is still loyal to the country and full of enthusiasm. Just where I need me, I will go wherever he goes. After all, fighting on the battlefield is one of my strengths, and I can't waste my strength on smashing stones. With his talents, he deserves better.
So, once again returned to the land of Vietnam, this time to save the detained prisoners of war. Of course, this is only nominal. In fact, this time, the leadership team did not really want to save the prisoners of war, but just played a play, thinking about fooling the politicians who are far away in the US Congress, so that the politicians will have a bright career. Perhaps it is about a general election, and the Vietnam War issue is a good opportunity to canvass votes. Therefore, Rambo is undoubtedly a victim of politics this time.
Going deep behind the enemy alone, finding out the situation, and finding one, the helicopter did not land, but turned around and left. It is conceivable that Rambo is like an orphan abandoned by the world. He single-mindedly tried to save himself as a companion, but in exchange for the abandonment of the country. What's the point of being alive if you don’t even like your country?
Although abandoned, Rambo did not betray his country, and used his own actions to deeply slap those who easily ignore the national hero. A true patriot, whether abandoned or forgotten by the country, will never betray his country, or he will love his country deeply. Rambo is such a profound patriot. Since there is no support from the state, I will use my own efforts to turn the tide, oh, no, there is also the help of the heroine. Unfortunately, the heroine was killed and Lambert was sad. After turning grief and anger into strength, Rambo killed the enemy without leaving, drove the helicopter to blow up the base, rescued the prisoners of war, returned to the US base, and then swept through the so-called advanced electronic equipment to vent his anger. It proves that the most important thing in a war is not advanced equipment, but the brain. I also taught the leaders and used their actions to tell the politicians who is the true patriot.
In this world, this is the case. True patriots are not respected, and those who are born and died for the country are not valued. On the contrary, politicians who sit in the office and talk boastfully, in fact, know nothing, get the chance to get promoted and fortune. .

I was very impressed by the three dialogues in the play.
In the first paragraph, Rambo told the female protagonist about his past, "I returned to the United States and found that another war was going on."
"What kind of war?"
"It's a bit like a static war, it's a kind of opposition to returning home." Soldier's war. This kind of war cannot be won."
This dialogue reveals the reason why Rambo was not liked in the first film, is to oppose returning soldiers. U.S. soldiers sweat and shed blood for the country abroad. Could it be that those who enjoy the ease at home are not grateful at all? Such a war is really chilling. Who is willing to fight for the country?

In the second paragraph, Rambo and the heroine are sitting on the boat. The heroine asks Rambo: "Why did they choose you? Is it because you are warlike?"
"I can sacrifice my life.
"What does it mean to sacrifice my life?" "
It's like someone invited you to a party. It doesn't matter if you don't show up." "
This conversation actually hinted at his own situation. The implementation is indeed the case. It is really because of Rambo’s trait that he was selected by politicians, because he can fight for the country, and the country will only let you go to war, but it doesn’t matter whether you can still fight. Come back. This is what Rambo understands by sacrificing. And he has such a spirit in himself. The

third paragraph is when Rambo came back from victory, and when he saw the lieutenant colonel, the lieutenant colonel said: "For this, you should get an extra medal. "
Rambo looked back at the prisoners of war and said, "The medal should be given to them." "
We won't shut you down anymore, you are free, come back to us." "
" Back to where? My friends are dead here, and I am also dead. "
Because of the war, everything that happens here may be wrong, but don't hate your country for it." "
But I am such a kind of person." "
Then what do you want?" '
"What I want is what they like prisoners of war want. Anyone who comes here is to give their courage and everything they have. They must love us for their own country, and the country must love us just as we love him!"
Finally, Rambo said that his own voice was also the voice of the majority of soldiers-I love my country, and I hope the country can love me. Fighting for your country is because of your patriotism and a strong sense of national honor. Therefore, you are not afraid of sacrifices and hardships. Soldiers can do this, and the country does not love and value itself. Such an unequal relationship really makes The soldiers were disappointed and chilled. However, in front of the country, the strength of the fighters is so small that it is impossible to ask the country to do anything.
I think Rambo's heart must be lonely and desperate. After such incidents, it is estimated that Rambo has seen the politicians thoroughly, so in the future, what else can he use to persuade himself to continue to serve the country?

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Rambo: First Blood Part II quotes

  • Rambo: Sir, do we get to win this time?

  • [last lines]

    Trautman: John where are you going?

    Rambo: I don't know.

    Trautman: You'll get a second medal of honor for this.

    [Rambo looks over at the rescued POWs]

    Rambo: You should give it to them. They deserve it more.

    Trautman: You don't belong here, why don't you come back with me?

    Rambo: Back to what? My friends died here, and a piece of me did too.

    Trautman: The war, the whole conflict may have been wrong, but damn it, don't hate your country for it.

    Rambo: Hate? I'd die for it.

    Trautman: Then what is it you want?

    Rambo: I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!

    Trautman: How will you live, John?

    Rambo: Day by day.