Who says women only have half the sky

Margaretta 2022-03-23 09:03:14

This summer, HBO and the BBC are co-producing an 8-episode TV series "Gentleman Jack," based on a true story about an extraordinary woman in England in the early 19th century -- Anne Lister , her life story.

Anne Lister is a wealthy man who owns manor land in the UK. At the same time, she is also a traveler and a diarist with a wide range of interests. In addition, her bold style and her emotional experience with women are all in the UK at that time. extraordinary in society. e

At that time, Britain was in the era of industrial revolution. At the same time, politics, economy, and culture would reach the peak of British history, and it would soon become the empire on which the sun never sets. form. Therefore, when Anne Lister appeared, although there were still different voices in the society, more and more people had gradually had a new ideology to express their understanding.

Although this drama is also a popular female theme material in recent years, it is wrapped in a classicism coat. In the upcoming prosperous Victorian era, in the context of the era where the old and the new alternate, the story is still remarkable, not to mention With the blessing of HBO and BBC, the story background, movie details, photography techniques, and service arrangements are all excellent. The most characteristic is that the heroine's style is not the delicate and lengthy expressiveness of traditional British dramas, but the shrewd and decisive style of modern women, and in the film editing, the style is bright and clean, with a strong sense of rhythm.

At the same time, although Anne Lister's emotional line is the main focus of the play, her personal management ability is also exaggerated. For example, she cares about the tenants on her estate, has the courage to open up new mines, and has the courage to fight back against the bandits who maliciously attacked her. Even by modern standards, she is a very good woman.

Watching is highly recommended.

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