What am I thinking when I'm watching "Breakthrough"?

Thora 2022-03-20 09:01:56

The biggest feeling after watching the movie is: Charlie's slender eyebrows, slender and stylish body, dress and performance style should be the popular performance style at that time. I have watched a lot of movies of this era, and most of the women in them have this style of performance, and even the demeanor is very similar.

Opening: Black and white movie images, blackened curtains, Charlie being watched, and horrifying music when going out.

Scene transformation: Charlie pretending to be sick, black playing cards, a train coming with black smoke, a black car, and the emphasis on the name Dinner First. Everything portends bad things to come, and there's a good chance it unfolds and culminates at dinner.

The plot really unfolded at dinner. Charlie sitting in the main seat, and Charlie said that she and Charlie are not just uncle and nephew, she understands Charlie better than others. Then there is the scene where Charlie puts the ring on Charlie, which is a bit like a lover.

Charlie didn't even know that the ring was engraved, could he really be deceived by the jeweler as he said? If that's the case, then at least he didn't show as much care when choosing gifts.

oh, the look on his face when he's serving coffee is horrible

To open an account in a country bank to save money, emmm...transfer assets? Thinking of the beginning, something went wrong. Hey, this person actually knocked over the glass while eating dinner, it's really not good.

Take a long shot to show Zu and He Bo about the method of murder, um, is it that Charlie murdered someone?

Folding the newspaper to hide the contents that were torn down and hidden, the content of this newspaper is very suspicious. It was discovered that, well, his former friend had been murdered, and the rumors were pointing at him. Smart as I am!

Haha, even if you escaped to the country, you were found.

Why did Charlie let everyone know that he came to the bank to open an account with such fanfare? Moreover, Zu took the manager he went to to open an account.

Close-up of the ring, seen by detectives disguised as investigators

Charlie learns that Charlie is suspected murderer

Zu was discussing the method of murder with He Bo again. This insertion method was a unique method in the movies of that era, with crazy hints. If you don't understand it, don't blame me.

Newspaper content to see! Who killed three rich women? The English scumbag only understands this, the subtitles are bad, and they don't translate, hum, Charlie read the engraving on the ring, um, this ring should be one of the victims.

It was dinner time again, and the atmosphere was wrong from the start, Charlie knew Charlie was a murderer, and the kids didn't want to sit with Charlie. The camera advances, and Charlie is alone about his malice to the widows in the city (Voiceover: Charlie says they're human, they're still alive) Charlie turns his head to the camera and says: Is that so, Charlie? We are all Charlie in front of the camera.

He Bo came again, and had the exact same conversation as when the opening dinner came. The old rules, the method of murder was discussed again, the difference was that Zu and the others were having dinner. Charlie heard an outburst of emotion. Sure enough, "dinner" is very important.

For the third time, the traffic police in command appeared, and Charlie's intense emotions were revealed.

The ring is back

It's dinner time again

Zu and He Bo were discussing the murder again, and at the same time conveyed that another suspect had died. The case ended and no one knew Charlie was the murderer, except Charlie.

Do you think this is the end? Charlie and one of the detectives confess to each other that Charlie nearly killed Charlie when Charlie finds the stairs vandalized. When the showdown came, Charlie couldn't prove that Charlie was the murderer, and no one would believe her.

Poor Charlie, almost killed again

Fortunately, Charlie forced Charlie away in the end.

Oh no, poor Charlie is dying, yes, Charlie deserves it

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Shadow of a Doubt quotes

  • Jack Graham: You're going to keep your mouth shut. You're going to keep your mouth shut because you're such a nice girl. Because you're such a nice girl that you know you'd help me.

  • Emma Newton: Wine for dinner - sounds so gay!