The sound of chickens and dogs is heard, and old and dead do not communicate with each other

Chauncey 2022-03-20 09:02:11

Leave no trace (no camping) I don't know how, so I formed two small concepts: 1. The best way to express is metaphor. 2 The best way to communicate is to tell a story. It is really commendable that this film has always maintained a neutrality without any didactic language and has always maintained non-aggression. It is only composed of lens language, picture metaphors, and scene stories. Americans like the rule of law, freedom, and democracy, but the two fathers and daughters told in this film are always fleeing from society and avoiding groups. They don’t want the rule of law, democracy, but only freedom? A father cannot accommodate anyone other than his daughter, not even a dog who claims to be considerate, nor can he spend a little more time in a non-natural environment other than a forest. He needs extreme, pure solitude, unwilling to contaminate any social connection except necessary, even if it is a small artificial natural environment. The daughter grew up slowly under the leadership and education of her father and got used to living in nature. But when she has the opportunity to contact outsiders and society, she is full of curiosity and desire, trying to adapt to group life outside of nature. Fathers with special social experience choose to leave society, while daughters who lack social experience choose to integrate into the crowd. At the end of the film, the father and daughter parted ways. The father and daughter described in the film are more disgusted with the general public and the atmosphere of the society, and they do not like the values ​​advocated by the society. They do not want the legal system, democracy, or freedom in the society. They want a kind of autonomy. A kind of autonomy that has no class, no exploitation, no welfare, and no too many exchanges, and the kind that is good on your own. Due to the nature and responsibility of blood relatives, the father must take his daughter to live in the forest, teach her the social knowledge she should have, wait for and accept her independent choice when she grows up, even if she can't bear it, she has long expected that she will leave go with. All the departures, he can do on his own initiative, only the departure of the daughter must be done by the daughter. When the daughter chose to stay in the small camp in the forest, the father stepped into the jungle alone and began his completely undisturbed and completely independent life. Instead of being caught in the world's web, he can weave his own cobweb alone. The male protagonist's way of life, this state of situation, feels a bit like what Lao Tzu said, "The sound of chickens and dogs hears each other, and old and dead do not communicate with each other". It seems that there is really a kind of ideal that does not ask about fame and rights, there is really a kind of comfort that is used to be independent, and there is really a kind of life that needs to avoid the world.

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Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.