It's not always courageous / so courageous people shine

Domenic 2022-03-22 09:02:47

On the way, the coal boss told his ex that it would be better for us to move in together. And more than once, so the coal boss's heart is not completely firm, she also needs a courageous person to give her courage. But time and time again it was hurt by the expediency of the world.

Looking in the mirror, I was sad and then turned cold for a moment.

Originally going to s, but blurted out to say paris, probably determined to part ways.

Bravery is not achieved overnight, behind the stone heart there are constant wounds, crying and digestion.

The little cutie looked in the mirror and scratched her wrist.

The finishing touch is she very rich!


In the end, the little cutie in my eyes was stronger and saved the coal boss who kept escaping disappointment. It looks weak but is actually very assertive, and those who have courage will shine.

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