what an attractive person might be like

Gabe 2022-03-22 09:02:47

I watched 3 episodes in one breath today, and one of the most touching questions is why the image of the heroine Annie is attractive and what an attractive person might look like. Please note that I used the word may rather than should, attractive people are not necessarily all like the heroine, but the image of the heroine does have a possibility of being attractive.

mine at home

As a wealthy girl who inherited her uncle's property, the heroine Annie has a mine at home, which allows her to travel around the world and gain knowledge; she can hire teachers with high salaries to study anatomy; she can have a higher social status and have more basic conditions of freedom and initiative. Having money is a cruel and realistic factor. In the first episode, Annie thoughtlessly thought about taking this "wealthy" woman as his wife, and admitted that the missing qualities of this woman could be made up with wealth. It can be said that it all started with wealth. Annie herself is already a rich woman, but she still hopes to bring this rich woman, Miss Walker, who is richer than herself, into her arms. Isn't this a true portrayal of the powerful alliance of the upper classes? The original intention of this hookup makes people can't help but regard Annie as a scumbag, but seeing Annie's shrewd business acumen and her highly purposeful planning will be relieved that this behavior is consistent with her character traits, and it is true and reason. What's more, no matter what the purpose was at the beginning, Annie's feelings for Miss Walker were serious in the process, and she had the idea of ​​using Miss Walker as her life partner.

knowledgeable, broad vision

Politics, business, hospitals, Annie seems to know everything and do everything. She loves to travel and travels all over the world. When Miss Walker said that she had never been abroad, Anne said that if she had never been abroad, her life would be the same as if she had never really lived. Because of the insights gained from playing around, Annie can have many interesting points and stories when chatting, such as dissecting the corpse of a dead baby, such as describing how rich and wonderful the human brain is. Cognitive system and so on. Wouldn't it be fun to chat with someone who has so many bizarre experiences and knowledge? Of course, the condition of being rich gives Annie an innate advantage, but in contrast, Miss Walker, who is also a wealthy person, has never been abroad. Therefore, the amount of knowledge can also be related to whether a person has enough curiosity and whether he has cultivated a wide range of hobbies.

High emotional intelligence, strong ability

When Anne and Miss Walker met for the first time in the play, Miss Walker subconsciously leaned back a little when she was asking her how she was feeling at Kenny Hospital, a small gesture that Annie caught a glimpse of and immediately realized that Miss Walker was not. I like this Dr. Kenny, so I decided to find a reason to open the hospital. At this time, the camera gave a close-up of Miss Walker pursing her lips and snickering. At the same time, she commented on Dr. Kenny's strangeness when Dr. Kenny walked on his forefoot, saying that his small steps made her suspicious, which perfectly catered to Miss Walker's alertness to Dr. Kenny. When she heard these words, Miss Walker couldn't help but smile happily. Oops, it's a heart-wrenching feeling! This careful and considerate behavior of her boyfriend's strength naturally greatly improved her impression on Miss Walker. When Annie learned that Miss Walker's relatives borrowed money from her and asked her again and again, without mentioning interest or when to return it, when she made it clear that it was an act of corruption, she instructed Miss Walker to write a "well-worded" letter. ” to set rules for relatives. Miss Walker felt that a well-written and well-thought-out letter like Annie could write in a short period of time could take her three weeks to write. This reflects Annie's wealth management knowledge and awareness, fast and clear logical expression ability. On the other hand, in business, she refuted the tenant's request to lower the rent. After fully understanding the relevant background information Coherently and logically deal with the bargaining of the miners, and at the same time do not panic when encountering possible threats, and formulate strategies courageously and strategically, not only to resolve the crisis but also to obtain maximum benefits from it. This also explains why Annie's uncle left the property to Annie instead of Annie's father.

Rich, knowledgeable, emotional intelligence, and ability, the first of these points is often based on the accumulation of your parents, and the starting line was drawn when you were born. The latter points can be learned by our own efforts. If you don't have enough conditions to travel a thousand miles, you can always read thousands of books, right? Emotional intelligence and competence can be learned through deliberate practice and conscious training. Annie cannot be copied, but we can make ourselves a charming person through hard work.

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