The marriage of HBO and BBC, the "Ji Qing drama" with its own drama DNA

Shana 2022-03-21 09:03:11

Recently, Brother Qi has been thinking about a question:

"If women become stronger, is there really nothing to do with men?"

With this question in mind, Brother Qi opened the picture scroll of the long history...

In the end, only one conclusion was reached:

The realization of women's self-worth never needs to be attached to another person!

As we all know, if it weren't for these domineering women, they helped "Game of Thrones" hold up the final scene.

I can say without exaggeration that HBO's position in the American drama circle is definitely not guaranteed!

In fact, in recent years, many production companies have begun to focus on women's perspectives and shoot many popular dramas.

CBS' "Old Man," Netflix's "Orange Is the New Black," ABC's "Desperate Housewives," HBO's "City Girls," and BBC's "Killing Eve."

Whether it is focusing on women's family, love, marriage, career......

In every woman, there is always a story to tell!

When the rules of the game set by men are ignored by women, maybe the world will be decided by them:

Gentleman Jack丨2019

First of all, although it is co-produced by HBO and BBC, it is strictly a British drama.

On the poster, the woman who is staring at us again is the protagonist of today's story - Anne Lister .

She is the first woman in history to openly identify as gay!

Interestingly, it was Suran Jones who played Anne Lister in the show .

Audiences who are familiar with Suran Jones should be no strangers to her. She is the "Doctor Foster" of scumbags and mistresses.

"Little Three" Judy Cuomo in "Killing Eve", just finished the love and murder of Ji's love.

Here, Suran Jones was not far behind and directly broke the fourth wall .

Let the audience have to ridicule: "Are both women hurt by the scumbag?"

In the Victorian era, women would dress themselves up as weak and elegant images, such as corsets, long dresses, curly hair....

Despite the conservative social atmosphere at the time, Annie was still maverick, maintaining a masculine dress on a daily basis, never concealing her hobbies, and boldly cohabiting with her same-sex lovers.

Therefore, people at the time gave her the nickname "Gentleman Jack" .

Anne wrote a diary of about 4 million words in her life, which not only recorded the customs of the United Kingdom at that time, but also included the intimate emotional experience between Anne and many women.

There are many details in it, which make people blush and heartbeat, all encrypted with English codes and ancient Greek.

It was not until the 20th century that this diary was completely deciphered by the world!

The BBC also made a documentary on it called "The Secret Diary of Anne Lister" .

In my opinion, it must be that the BBC is not satisfied with the documentary, so it will pull the old driver HBO to cooperate.

BBC pays attention to reality, while HBO pays attention to large scale...

So I made a bold attempt on the plot, just to show Anne Lister's bohemian love life.

As the name suggests, "Gentleman Jack" wears a trench coat, a gentleman's hat, a pocket watch and a walking stick.

She walks valiantly, and she doesn't look like a woman at all!

The big reason why she was able to pull like this was that she had mines at home .

Annie is the richest landowner in the area and owns a large area of ​​land, so she can completely ignore other people's opinions.

On the contrary, the long-term life of traveling around the world has broadened her vision and raised her thinking to another level.

After all, when you have money, it is easy for people to let themselves go!

Since the housekeeper fell ill, in order to make the family business run better, Annie has taken up the heavy responsibility of the family by herself.

She has always acted resolutely and never dragged its feet.

In the face of those who are rogues and ill-spoken, Annie is always positive, and even her family finds it incredible.

She understands a woman's heart and has the gentleman's demeanor of a man. In addition to her female identity, women can easily let go of their defenses in front of her and join hands to walk into the "unknown world" of life .

So Annie had many lovers in her life, but because of worldly eyes, they all left her in the end.

Someone once persuaded her, hoping that Annie would find a man to marry her, so that she would have someone to rely on.

But in Annie's view, doing so is pointless, and she wants to spend the rest of her life with her lover.

Until she met Miss Ann Walker .....

Here is one of the biggest highlights of the whole show:

Watch how Annie shows off her superb flirting routine and captures the girl's heart step by step.

First of all, there is no shortage of sweet words!

When chatting with women, keep the praise flowing and the content of the conversation touching.

Pay special attention here, even if you want to lie, you can't exaggerate in order to tease girls!

For example, say to a girl euphemistically: "Sometimes, I like to keep a diary, in order to record the people I like."

Behaviors should be both offensive and defensive, do not blindly avoid, and do not blindly approach.

You can tell a joke first to lighten the mood. Then take advantage of the situation to create a little physical basis, remember not to go too far.

If there is no conflict, it proves that you have succeeded in gaining the trust of the other party. If the other person is offended, apologize immediately.

As long as you are sincere enough, the other party will feel a little guilty and will not be able to say what is in your heart:

"You don't have to blame yourself too much, you're actually pretty good, and I feel pretty good about you."

Then in the rest of the air, there was only the ambiguity flying in the sky, and Ann Walker also fell down.

However, I would like to remind everyone that these routines of flirting with girls must have a premise:

Either the other party really has a crush on you, or you use an irresistible charm.

For example, if you have a culture, you will be handsome, if you have a sense of humor, you will be handsome, and if you are easy to get along with, you will be handsome. . . .

I believe that after what I said, you should understand what I mean.

In fact, those routines of flirting with girls are just opportunistic!

To really capture the hearts of girls, you still have to rely on long-term uninterrupted "love".

So Annie's routine is not just "the overbearing president falls in love with me", but her unique personal charm.

She didn't do what everyone wanted, but accepted herself calmly, which made her out of tune with the women of that era.

In other words, she is challenging male authority and realizing her own worth.

There is a kind of "beauty" that transcends the shackles of gender!

There is no doubt that Anne was the most "beautiful" woman of that era.

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