Whether you are happy or not depends on whether the reasons for persistence are sufficient or not.

Foster 2022-03-21 09:03:11

The Liszt diary that came to my mind once again shocked me. She was able to write down her life in code, 4 million words. At this moment, I really want to have a set of notes written by her. We were able to enjoy such wonderful scripts, movies, TV series. In Liszt's diary, I don't know how many records are recorded. The stories between them are preserved in Liszt's diary like cultural relics and protected with ciphertext. Miss Walker is beautiful, everyone video shows "Gentleman Jack", Miss Walker, who was shown to us in the first four episodes, is weak and helpless, a little neurotic, stupid and cute rich woman. If Liszt and Miss Walker have almost nothing in common from their appearance, one must be added: one is beautiful and the other is handsome. There is something in their bones, extremely precious, that both of them have - they are extremely sure of their own feelings, and brave to be themselves. This is the result of their ability to overcome all odds together, or a necessary quality for victory against the outside world. This is also the way for any two unblessed lovers to be happy. They need to face it bravely and need backing support. Liszt is brave, and Miss Walker has the backing and support. They are really perfect partners. Without Miss Walker, how can Liszt be brave? Liszt is a businessman, cautious, and will consider interests. Although she knows that she likes women, she is not so sure that there is a person in her life. Miss Walker is different. She insists on her own ideas and understands that from 14 The first time she saw Liszt at the age of 19, she fell in love with this person when she saw Liszt for the second time at the age of 19. Until they were together, she was more certain that she was always looking for her own feeling, and this feeling of happiness was what she insisted on. reason. She is the one who looks silly and sweet and doesn't deceive herself in her heart. Who doesn't love it? Brave she did it, be herself she did it, this is a higher level of love for yourself, it's so beautiful! I think I have a lot of admiration for people who write by nature. After they inject meaningful things with vitality, words have life and begin to sparkle. Outsiders can see the soul through words and appreciate the author's intention and wisdom. This is the word. The meaning of Liszt's diary is so attractive.

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