After enjoying a big visual feast, the sweetness in the mouth

Laverna 2022-03-20 09:01:58

The whole film is 5 hours and 21 minutes long. I still admire Bergman's portrayal of the characters' psychology. This "Fanny and Alexander" is different from Bergman's detailed description of female psychology in "The Virgin Spring", "Wild Strawberry", "Cry and Whisper" and "Autumn Sonata". is an important companion. Of course there are also quite a few depicting mother Emily.

The shaping of the images of Alexander and Fanny began on a Christmas night with the whole family in their childhood, and the two brothers and sisters grew up freely, richly and individually under the protection of the Ecoda family.

The first two acts are almost a foreshadowing, and the story starts from the "summer" that almost changed the mother and son in the third act. Fanny and Alexander's father Oscar died that summer, leaving Emily to take over the theater. Act 4 Emily was bewitched by the Bishop and married into his home during the empty nest period. Unexpectedly, the bishop with a human face and a beast heart is not only from a poor family, but also very rude: according to his own words, he has always thought that he is very popular, and never thought that anyone would hate him. And Alexander's hatred for him made him "scared".

Lord Bishop's family is not as large as the Ecoda family. There is only a strict old mother, a more strict and arrogant sister, and a fat sister who is sick in bed. A family of four lives in a shabby church, and there are a few servants who seem to have bad intentions. Emily started to make things difficult on the first night after she got married. Emily resisted and went back to Ikoda's house to talk to her grandmother Helena. As a result, the bishop taught Alexander, who was against him, severely while Emily was away, spanked his ass, and closed the small dark room. Emily couldn't bear to ask for a divorce but was rejected on the grounds that the child in her womb needed father's care.

At this time, the Ecoda family invited someone to rescue them and secretly picked up the two children. Emily, who had a big belly, had a big argument with the bishop in the early hours of the morning, and took advantage of the bishop who accidentally ate Emily's sleeping pill broth and fled. Back at the Ikoda house. And the bishop was killed by an unexpected fire in the early morning of that day, along with his sister.

Besides, Alexander and Fanny were secretly picked up and transferred to the house of a man specializing in puppet making. All kinds of puppets move by themselves at night. There are also two strange people in this family. One can do puppets while sleeping. He takes Alexander to see their mummy. The mummy can still breathe, move and move. The sister who was bedridden at the Bishop's house was unanimous. It seemed that the mummy's controlled movements also controlled the Bishop's sister, causing the fire. It may be that he deliberately killed the bishop in order to avoid future troubles, and by the way, he used his sister, who is worse than death, as a burial.

Another strange person in the puppet family is locked in the room, called "younger brother", but is obviously a woman. ta said to Alexander "You are me and I am you". Maybe that's why Alexander could see ghosts?

It seemed that everyone was happy at the end, but I didn't expect that there would be more. Alexander was suddenly pushed to the ground by the bishop's ghost, and the ghost said, "You can't escape me." What's even weirder is that mother Emily walked past Alexander, who was on the street, as if she didn't see it, and happily gave her a new script that she could act together. Everything seems to have returned to normal before Oscar's funeral, except for Alexander himself.

Bergman depicts the fear and rebellion of the young Alexander in a lengthy masterpiece, and it seems that everyone can see their own shadow in him to some extent. Looking back at that time, I was really immature, but it was also true. And most people will have this kind of similar upbringing experience.

As for the weird colors, it is one of the points that attracts me to continue watching. In addition, the exquisite European-style soft furnishings, the dazzling array of exquisite utensils, the luxurious clothes of the characters, and the performances in the theater are all very interesting.

In addition, Emily's roar in front of Oscar's body in the middle of the night was terrifying at first glance, but after thinking about it, she felt that she could understand her behavior. Although Emily doesn't seem to love Oscar much, but without Oscar, she has no backbone, no pillar, and her sky is falling. Don't know where to go.

Under the bombardment of modern large-scale special effects popcorn movies, it is really a pleasure to see such a beautiful and meticulous work.

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Fanny and Alexander quotes

  • Ekdahlska huset - Helena Ekdahl: I loved being a mother. I loved having a big belly. I loved being an actress too, but I preferred being a mother.

  • Emilie Ekdahl - Ekdahlska huset: Your sister gave me sleeping pills for my insomnia. I put three of them in the broth. I did not intend for you to drink it. While you were checking on Elsa, I put three more in. Soon you will sleep very soundly, and when you wake up, I will be gone.