Too many problems are intertwined in this extremely cruel movie

Lucile 2022-03-21 09:02:33

There are too many issues discussed in this film, especially through the echoes and contrasts of the plot, which creates a huge sense of shock, and it is difficult to calm down under the shock.

about war and survival

When it comes to Lebanon, the impression has always been a war-torn country. Although the living conditions of the Zane family are extremely poor, there is no war in the place where they live. The little girl who appeared behind was a refugee from Syria. She had to sell things by herself at a young age to make a living. Black mothers who smuggled from Ethiopia also come here to work. There is no worst, only worse.

The little boy Zane lives in a slum-like place with his large family. Neither of his parents seemed to be working, but they had five or six children who lived in harsh conditions. Small children have to go to the streets to sell homemade drinks for a living, going to school is non-existent. Zane followed his mother to buy medicines with fake prescriptions and dissolved them in water as a product for the prisoners. Later, in order to survive, he also painted a gourd and made such a "drink" to sell on the street. His mother was afraid that the child was too young to run around, so she tied the child's foot with a chain. Later, in the care of black children, Zane had to do the same. Such "learning ability" is so cruel in survival.

about fertility

In the first part of the film, the parents who are separated by a curtain are in ooxx, and the children are all awake and listening. Even if they live in such poor conditions, the family is crowded into one room, the children don't even have a decent bed, and the mother behind is still pregnant, and a new life is about to be born. It also echoes Zane's lawsuit against them at the end of the court, depriving them of the right to continue to have children. Not everyone in this world is qualified to be a parent.

The Ethiopian woman who smuggled in, found a job with false documents, worked hard to support herself and her child, and even took her child to the place of work and locked him in the toilet. Where is the child's father? The whole film is not explained.

About identity

There are agencies and channels for people to apply for asylum, Zane wants to go to Sweden, the agency asks him to find ID, he goes home, his dad is furious that people like them don’t have such a thing; his sister married at 11 The person was pregnant, died of bleeding outside the hospital, and was not admitted to the hospital because she had no identity; the black mother could only hide her child, because the child was born as a black family; the last shot is also the poster cover of the movie, Zane finally Have an ID photo.

At the end, I hope that every child in the world will be treated with kindness. It is a child who is not treated with kindness. Whose fault is it? Country, war, family, yourself, or is there really nothing wrong with anyone?

At the end, most of it comes from the real experience of the starring children. The little boy ended up living in Norway with his family (whatever it was). And what about kids and other people who don't have the ability (fame) or the money (bribes to brokers and smugglers) to go out and become "refugees"? Sweden and Norway, which are like paradise in the movie description, can go to what kind of people?

The movie is really miserable, so miserable that many people shed tears silently when they saw the ending, including me. But after I was moved, I couldn't help thinking of the Syrian child who died on the beach, because in that photo, European countries opened their doors to refugees, and with the influx of refugees, those people caused a terrorist attack and explosion. .. In this world, no one should be more contemptuous than another's life, but such stories of farmers and snakes make people wonder, will this world be better?

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Capernaum quotes

  • Zain: Fuck this shitty country!

  • Zain: Your words pierce my heart. I no longer want to see you. You're heartless.