the joy of meeting

Armani 2022-10-20 05:04:18

Before watching this movie, I was still waiting for the admission information, complaining why I didn't have any good news? I can't be in this mood all the time I thought, and then I watched this movie.

Before that, I had always been in the mood that they would be together and that women would chase after men, and then they started doing the old-fashioned cancer must have plot - wish list, old-fashioned indeed old-fashioned, but I eat this one .

Is it a joy to meet? Of course not in the early stage, but it is the saddest time. Everyone has changed and has a longing for life, but such a hope and such a longing will appear very weak because of the short time. When I watched "Summer of Jeans", I saw a girl with cancer also felt this hopeless hope, but it was always a hope, just like I was waiting for the admission notice at this time, but it was still hope.

Hope itself is a very beautiful word, but when he wears cool colors, it can bring out an unattainable temperament. I look forward to meeting, I look forward to good news, and I look forward to a bright future. But the cool tone of the whole article is already telling me what the ending is. Even if the film is full of love, even if the film is full of joy, the laws of nature, the rotation of the earth, are telling you that reality is reality. We are wrapped in a cool-toned reality, like Calvin and Skye in a blue pool, but reality also teaches us the importance of "I love you".

To be honest, I didn't understand the reason for Calvin's transformation. Calvin became cheerful and opened up his heart, as if he was doing it routinely and continued formulaically, but it was all proving that it was right for the two of them to meet and know each other. Also happy.

I love you

My family members

my friend

my life

as well as

my future

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Then Came You quotes

  • Calvin: Is that a goldfish?

    Skye: Yeah! He's for you. This is Boris! But, you can call him whatever you want, cuz ya know, the whole three second memory thing.

  • Izzy: We're not exactly... colleagues.

    Skye: Aren't we all colleagues, though? Like, when you reaaallly think about it?