Why create something out of nothing?

Chet 2022-11-07 04:44:17

Why slander Michael? He obviously didn't do anything, I don't know what the people who rated high were thinking, please, let Michael rest in peace, Michael is innocent, the child is being used, why do you believe these things, don't just watch This video is the conclusion. Some people say that Michael deliberately had plastic surgery, but Michael has only had skin surgery because of scalp burns and chin gully. Some people say that he bleached, but because of vitiligo, he covered himself with a lot of white foundation. Some people say that he molested children, but no evidence was found, and a police officer asked him to inspect his private parts and take pictures. Some say he was in an oxygen chamber to maintain good skin, but that equipment was for burn patients. Michael has been super kind to children in his life, he has no childhood, so he is even less likely to hurt children. He donated 300 million US dollars to charities in his life. He wrote countless humanitarian songs in his life. He held injustice for black people. Rong. He loves children so much. During the latter part of his life, he was riddled with lawsuits, charged with 40 counts, but ultimately acquitted on all counts. He loves children, stop slandering him, he is a child himself. Now that he's home, don't bother him anymore

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Leaving Neverland quotes

  • Wade Robson: He was one of the kindest, most gentle, loving, caring people I knew. He helped me... tremendously. He helped me with my career. He helped me with my creativity. With all those sorts of things. And he also sexually abused me... for seven years.