Give some face to the classics

Isom 2022-03-20 09:01:56

Watching such an old black-and-white movie is not a very pleasant thing, after all, it is a thing of that era. People are evolving, times are evolving, ideas are evolving, and movies are evolving along with them. Modern people should watch more contemporary movies.

Due to time constraints, not many people have seen this film, but after all, it is an IMDBtop250 film, you should watch it whether it looks good or not, and make up for it.

The Philadelphia story itself is still a relatively interesting romantic comedy, and it is the originator of similar themes. Because it is a stage play, the dialogue and body movements of the film are exaggerated, and it is these that become the main comedy factors. The characters in the play are very interesting regardless of their age, and there is also a faint hint of spoofing in them.

Making people laugh is as hard as making people cry. Looking back at the excellent comedy movies in recent years, there are many funny ones, but most of them are low-level tastes such as color is empty. It is indeed difficult to improve the taste of humor. Actually, come to think of it, laughing is inherently less tasteful than crying, isn't it?

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The Philadelphia Story quotes

  • George Kittredge: I'm going to build you an ivory tower with my own two hands.

    Tracy Lord: Like fun you are.

  • Uncle Willie: Must we ride in this thing? Wouldn't we be more comfortable on pogo sticks?