Heart has the sun shines everywhere

Doris 2022-03-21 09:03:29

The film I saw today is rather heavy, and everyone who watched it left tears of grief, because in the past, no matter how unlucky or ill-fated the hero and heroine were in the movies we watched, there was no one in a million of the hero Muhammad, because he From the moment he was born, he was despised by his father, and his mother left him when he was very young. God gave him a pure heart and stole his eyes at the same time, yes he Just a blind boy (totally blind), we call it a common blind man, but after watching this movie, I won't use this word to describe a blind man again. Maybe when we think that blind people are the kind of weak people who need the care of their relatives, a nonchalant expression fills our faces, but who wants to be blind? The colors of the world are all unconscious, and I didn't say pitch black here, because it might be a luxury for blind people to see black. When we go shopping, we can easily cross the ditch, when we go to the mall, we can arbitrarily avoid the shelves, when we choose clothes, we can choose styles like crazy, when we eat dinner, we can pick up dishes at will, when we fall in love, we can Fearless pick and choose, you can easily travel when you are traveling, and you can choose a position when you are looking for a job... These are all projects that we can easily complete, but for them, it may be more than the sky. Difficult, even if they practice their listening ability very hard, some obstacles are insurmountable. Today we will take a look at what the world of blind children in Muhammad is like. Everyone is ready to see it, don't have any Fast-forward and go to the toilet in a moment, and have tissues ready for emergencies. The beginning of the story is a dialogue, but except for a bunch of Iranian characters, there is no picture. I always feel very hot. There is no picture. I almost gave up watching this movie, but after waiting for more than 3 minutes, the scene appeared. , It turned out that a blind child took his tape by mistake, so the teacher had to try all the tapes to know which tape belonged to. At this time, I felt ashamed. This is the world of the blind. There are countless inconveniences. There is no way to avoid it here, no matter how easy it is for normal people, it may take more time and patience for them to do it, and finding a tape is one of them. Of course, the search for the tape didn't last long, and the teacher asked everyone to prepare their luggage, and their family members would come to pick them up the day after tomorrow to take them home for the summer vacation. When preparing luggage, some children are chatting, some children are talking about electronic keyboards, and some children are learning new skills. These should all show that they are looking forward to seeing their family members, so they can let them see their changes. At this time, Mohammed put a pile of garbage-like things on his bed. The teacher was still questioning when he gave him the cake. Mohammed didn't even eat the cake in time to prepare the garbage. , we found out later that these were all gifts he prepared for his family. Although the gifts were not very precious or even very cheap, these were all he had. When he heard that a kitten was about to catch the bird that fell from the tree, he used a stone to frighten the kitten away, and carefully found the bird and put it in the nest with difficulty, which is normal for us For humans, it may be an easy task, but it is not so simple for a blind child like Mohammed, who has to recognize a bird falling from a tree without seeing it, Picking up stones and throwing them at the kitten, slowly climbing trees that are very tall for him, can be said to be a hero when he does these things. Family love is innate, and some people want to give up. Muhammad's father should have come to pick him up when the other parents came, but he was late when everyone else had left. The first thing Muhammad said to his father while crying was I thought you weren't coming. I'll never forget the cry when I said this. The blind people don't have so many demands, but I'm really afraid of being abandoned. In fact, he didn't know that his father really didn't want to take him back. He was late because he didn't pay enough attention to himself and negotiated with the school whether he could be kept here. When these didn't work, he put Mohan Murder took it home. Here we see the disgust on the father's expression, the scene of the camera moving forward when Muhammad was washing his hands (the father was going to push him down), and the father preparing to push Muhammad to a stranger for marriage The blind sculptor, I have to say this is something a father shouldn't do, but does he really dislike the child? In fact, we can see from many scenes that he actually pity Mohammed very much, but his wife has passed away for a long time, and he raised his children by digging coal alone. If this continues, he will become more and more impoverished , so he wants to send Mohammed away, so that he can get married smoothly and live a good life without burden. Maybe this is very reasonable but very ruthless, this is not a random child on the street, this is his own flesh and blood, his own son whose broken bones are connected with tendons, so when grandma learned that Muhammad was sent away When I went to look for him in the heavy rain, I finally died of a cold. It was my grandmother's death that ruined my father's marriage. After my father cried bitterly, I took Mohammed back to my home, but when I was crossing the bridge, the bridge suddenly broke. Their bodies were broken, and they were all involved in the river. In the end, Muhammad ended his life. Although his father got rid of the burden of Muhammad in the end, he cried heartbreakingly. It was only at that moment that he realized that family love was more important than anything else. His mother died and his son was drowning. How would God punish him, a man who had been through vicissitudes of life, but everything was over, they just left and never came back. God is not fair and he discriminates against blind people. After his father ruthlessly brought Muhammad to the carpenter's house, Muhammad shed tears of sadness. The carpenter thought Muhammad was homesick and went to comfort him, but the next words made the carpenter Speechless. Mohammed said: "No one loves me, not even my grandma. They all left me because I was blind. If I could see, I could go to school like everyone else, but now, I have to go to school. A school for the blind, it's like on the other side of the world. The teacher said that the Lord loves the blind because they can't see. But I said that if this is the case, God won't let us go blind, so we can't see God. The teacher replied Saying, 'The Lord is invisible. He is everywhere, you can feel it. You know it with your fingertips.' Now, I keep reaching out until one day I feel the presence of God. I'm going to tell him everything , even the secret of my heart." The carpenter is also a blind man, he knows all the misfortunes of the blind man, and he also knows how hypocritical the Lord's lie about the blind man is, when these words came out of Muhammad's mouth, he also Unable to hold back the sympathy in my heart, I walked away, yes! If the Lord truly had mercy on a blind man, he would not let him lose sight of his eyes, would not let him be ridiculed and discriminated against by too many people, would not let him be unable to do anything at home, and would not let him be despised by his family. , will not make the originally difficult family worse, his father is not malicious and must drive away Muhammad, but there is no way, he also needs to marry a wife to help him live together, only poverty can know what poverty is, It is indeed difficult for a poor family to cope with so much suffering. And what about Muhammad? He was born blind, and he can't change this. All he can do is to make himself better and better. He is still a child. He wants his life to be colorful, but in life When he was sent to the carpenter's house, the pressure was already pitch black, which meant that no one wanted to care about him and love him, but just disliked him and stayed away from him. What a blow this is to a blind child. Being abandoned by his family is like being thrown into the sea without even a harbor. He can only let the wind and waves blow and fend for himself. That’s why Mohammed, out of desperation, will Say something like this. When I saw this, I couldn't help shedding tears. I really hope he was born in our middle-class family in China. At least the family will not abandon him because of poverty. He can find a suitable job for the blind in China. The work will not drag down the family for a lifetime. But this is impossible. He was born in Iran. His mother died very early. His father was just a coal digger. The last straw in his family, we can't do anything about it, we can spurn our father's ruthlessness, but what can we do if we put us in that position? After thinking about it for a long time, we may not be able to promise that we will not dislike Muhammad, so God also discriminates against blind people. Share the family's worries, so that the family can love him for a lifetime. There is sunshine in my heart, and warmth is everywhere. In the scene of the movie, we see the vast and beautiful natural landscape. Although the simple and simple Mohammed is a blind boy, he has a kindness that ordinary people do not have. He can prepare his most precious gifts for his family. He climbs branches to help birds, tries to catch the wind while sitting in a car, imagines the colors of the world from his father's words, and feels the appearance of everything from the sound of woodpeckers. His love for his family calls his grandma right away when he hears the voice of his hometown, hides under a tree to scare grandma, praises grandma for her white and tender hands, chases butterflies recklessly, and asks to go to school with his sister coquettishly. He would jump up cheerfully when grandma was feeding the chickens. He was full of love for life, whether it was his father who didn't pick him up after his holiday, or always treated him with a disgusting tone and attitude, or brought him to him. In the more dangerous places at work, he hoped that accidents would happen. He did not blame his father, because he had sunshine in his heart, and the world in his heart was full of colors. In the film, the grandmother said that she was not worried about her grandson, Mohammed, who could not see, but was worried about her son, who had both eyes intact. Yes, in the adult world, you only look at the pros and cons of doing things and do not analyze right and wrong. Either you become a bad person or a half-good person. My father chose to give up his family love because of the pressure he was carrying, and completely gave up on being a father. It is very dangerous for both himself and others, so at this time, grandma and Mohammed are in front of him to guide him with their own lives. When grandma died, his marriage fell apart, and he finally knew The importance of family affection chose to bring back Mohammed, but when he passed a bridge, the bridge suddenly broke. Although he tried his best to save the child, he only got a cold body in the end. Hammed's hand was shining, he went to heaven with his grandma, and he ended his life with what his father had always hoped for. This is the most tragic story I've ever seen.

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Extended Reading

The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.