If you watched "A Movie About Sugar", would you dare to eat sugar again?

Leif 2022-09-22 13:09:45

I always felt that diabetes was far away from me until that day when the doctor read my blood test report and asked me which blood sugar lowering medicine I was taking, I asked him in surprise why I was taking medicine, and he stared at me even more surprised: Don't take medicine? You are already prediabetic!

Fasting blood glucose is 3.9~6.1mmol/L——normal fasting blood glucose ≥6.7mmol/L (repeated twice)——diabetic fasting blood glucose exceeds 11.1mmol/L——diabetes fasting blood glucose is 6.1~11.1mmol/L—— prediabetes

No matter how young you are, do you dare to give it a try?

I tried it and it crashed! what should I do?

At this moment, a book about sugar appeared in front of me: "Reasons to Not Eat Sugar" . After reading it, I was very shocked, but the data in the book was still a little boring. At this time, I remembered that there was a recommended movie "A Movie About Sugar" at the beginning of the book. Have a look?

A nearly two-hour documentary about an Australian director and actor, Damon Gameu, who decides to use his healthy body to experience firsthand how sugar affects an adult man because of his upcoming little life. .

In order to get as accurate information as possible, Damon invited a number of experts to help him monitor and record various physical indicators for two months.

Before we started, Damon was in the healthiest 20%. His diet is sugar-free - whole foods, no additives, such as avocado, lemon, bacon, eggs, milk, etc.

During the 60-day experiment, Damon needed to consume 40 scoops of sugar (including glucose and fructose) a day - the amount of sugar most ordinary Australians eat in a day, but not from junk food, just not drinking Coke, Can not eat ice cream, chocolate, etc., only from healthy food, such as yogurt, fruit juice, cereal, jam, raisins and other sugar added, or natural food.

Damon will also eat low-fat food and maintain the same calorie intake as before; run twice a week, exercise, and maintain the same amount of exercise as before.

Experts tell Damon: You can reach and exceed 40 scoops of sugar in just one trip to the supermarket. All kinds of healthy food in the supermarket have additives - sugar! If a supermarket took all sugary food away, more than two-thirds of the shelves would be empty.

It's true, if you walk into a random supermarket and pick up any processed food, there's bound to be sugar on the ingredient list. If not, then you have to be careful whether it is produced by a black-hearted manufacturer. Sugar, like salt, is the best preservative.

The food industry in Australia is very regulated, and each food will be marked with sugar content.

A cup of cereal for breakfast contains 7.5 tablespoons of sugar; with yogurt, it contains 4 tablespoons of sugar; 400ml of fruit juice contains 9 tablespoons of sugar; for a breakfast, a total of 20.5 tablespoons of sugar has been used, which has used up half of the target for a day. For the next two meals, I can only eat soil. ......

Oh oh, in 12 days, all of them were healthy eating, no beverages, 40 tablespoons of sugar a day - about 120 grams, low fat, control calorie intake, keep exercising, completely achieved "shut your mouth, step away" legs", what was the result?

Gained 3.2kg!

The fructose in the juice is like a tsunami, roaring into the liver, turning into a cellulite that surrounds the internal organs, which is why very thin people also have fatty livers.

Although fruit juice is a natural and healthy food, its sugar content is too high for the body to absorb it too quickly. The juice from a cup of four apples can be drunk in one gulp, but with four apples, you may have to eat for a long time.

For 12 days, eat 40 tablespoons of sugar a day - the sugar in a healthy low-fat diet, plus exercise, still eat a big belly and eat a fatty liver!

Surprise or not?

Scared or not?

Not to mention that in the next experiment, Damon began to eat sugar directly. Of course, the amount of sugar a day was controlled at 40 spoons.

As a result, his mood became unstable, and the happiness when eating sugar could not last for the next meal. I am irritable when there is no sugar to eat, and I am very excited when I eat sugar, and I cannot calm down. He also started getting pimples on his face.

Experts say that it is because sugar can stimulate the brain to secrete dopaphenol, which makes people addicted and their brains become unclear. It is like smoking opium. Inflatable doll, inflated, deflated, re-inflated, deflated, and gradually haggard.

Originally, glucose should be turned into energy to supply the brain, muscles, and tissue, but the blood sugar rises too fast. When insulin is working, the excess glucose will also become fat, which will damage the liver; and fructose directly enters the liver and stores it as fat. If the liver is not good, the skin will deteriorate, and acne is just the beginning.

In the film, Damon visits the small town of Amata in Australia, where the Aboriginal people were originally healthy and ate very little sugar. Since they accepted the Westernized eating habits and accepted most of the sugary processed foods provided in the store, they became obese. , suffering from heart disease, diabetes, uremia and other metabolic diseases.

In Kentucky, the United States, Pepsi's famous work: Mountain Dew, has become the daily drink of the locals, and some children even drink Mountain Dew from the bottle when they are 2-3 years old. As a result, there are many dental diseases there. An 18-year-old boy has decayed teeth. The dentist has to extract 26 teeth and replace him with dentures so that he can live a normal life.

When the tooth was extracted, I didn't dare to look at it. The tooth that was so rotten to the root was infected. The anesthetic didn't work. The little boy was in pain and the tears flowed. The boy's mother turned her back and wept. The dentist said that you can only extract the tooth until the tooth is free of infection.

I remember that when my son was young, I often took him to KFC, McDonald's, and often as a reward. Fortunately, he did not drink the drink as water. Otherwise it would be so sad.

Queen Elizabeth has black teeth, which she ate from sugar. The disease of wealth and wealth in the past has now also flown into the homes of ordinary people. Frequent drinking and bad teeth are just the beginning, followed by fatty liver - cirrhosis, insulin resistance - hyperinsulinemia - aninsulinemia - type 2 diabetes, uremia, heart disease etc.

I once listened to two kidney transplant patients in their thirties chatting in the hospital, saying that they used to drink water as water, but they were diagnosed with uremia. Pessimistic tone, full of remorse.

And I, woke up, just realized: what kind of diet you choose is what kind of life you choose. How to choose requires knowledge and self-knowledge.

We all know the dangers of diabetes; eat less sugar, we also know; but how much sugar is in your daily diet, do you know? Changes in various indicators of your body, do you know?

The moment I watched the movie, I made a decision to keep a record of my daily diet, accurately calculate the sugar content of each serving, and record my glycemic index to monitor my physical condition in real time.

Healthy, please say no to refined sugar!

View more about That Sugar Film reviews