This animated short, produced by Disney and Pixar, represents the highest level of global animation production. The short film is called "Luna" and tells the story of three generations of grandparents on the moon.
At the beginning of the film, a small boat floats smoothly on the calm sea. "La Luna" is written on the boat. Luna means the moon. There are three generations of grandparents sitting on the boat.
After a while, the grandfather gave the grandson a hat. Both grandpa and dad wore the same hat, which seemed to be a symbol of their family, reminiscent of the grandson's coming-of-age ceremony. The grandson happily put on the hat. At this time, Grandpa and Dad had a disagreement. Grandpa thought it looked better if the hat was raised higher, Dad thought it looked better if the hat was lowered. Grandpa was very angry, so he turned off the light and sat down with Dad. The grandson sat next to his grandfather, imitating his father to rub his nose, and imitating his grandfather to dig his ears. At this time, the moon rose from afar. Dad raised the ladder on the boat and gave the little boy an anchor. The little boy was a little timid at first, but then he was determined to climb up the ladder.
When the little boy climbed to the top, gravity was reversed. He was attracted by the gravitational force of the moon and floated to the moon. The surface of the moon was covered with stars. It was these stars that made the moon shine and look very beautiful.
The little boy put the anchor on the moon, and then Dad and Grandpa climbed up. They opened a small room on the moon. It turned out that the purpose of their trip was to clean the stars on the moon. Grandpa and Dad had a disagreement again. Grandpa wanted the little boy to use a broom, and Dad wanted the little boy to use a long broom. Sweep, just as they were arguing, a huge star fell, ending their quarrel
Grandpa and Dad couldn't do anything to pull it out. After a while, the witty little boy came up with an idea. He climbed to the top of the star with a hammer and smashed it. The huge star turned into countless small stars and fell down. ,very beautiful
In the end, the three generations of grandparents swept the stars to one side of the moon, turning the moon into a crescent. The picture is beautiful and the music is soothing. It can be seen that the production staff is rich in imagination. It is a very good animation short film.
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