ruthless war cruel heart

Vicky 2022-12-18 00:54:32

It was almost the first time I saw a movie in the Arab world. It was very original and very real. After watching it, my mood was also very heavy.

The fire of war is ruthless, not only destroying cities, but also destroying individuals. It seems that it is destroying everyone's hearts, and it seems that it is destroying a nation.

Several protagonists in the movie have distinct characteristics. One has leadership ability and optimism, one has supernormal abilities but is afraid to use it because he is worried that bad luck will always come, and the other is giving up after fighting. These three people , which constitute the three character tragedies of war.

For the Kurdish refugees, they were oppressed by Saddam's regime and had to leave their homeland. However, the arrival of the US military seems to be good news, but for a nation, the arrival of the US military is just good news. No one can understand things. For a person who has gone through the war, how much can outsiders know about their heart?

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  • Agrin: teach them math and science!

    Satellite: they know math and science. they have to learn how to shoot now!