Black people ~ White House

Marlon 2022-03-20 09:01:52

This film is based on the real-life story of Eugene Allen, the chief butler of the White House, as long as it tells about a black man named Cecil who has served eight presidents successively after he became the White House butler, and witnessed the history of black people. Various movements and decisions for institutional change.

The techniques and techniques shown in this film can't be more bland, it can be said to be a simple running account, but this combination of the theme of biographies and the sequential story from the beginning to the end and the not wonderful shooting techniques are combined together It seems to be a test for the viewers, especially the 145-minute duration. By looking at the various activities and decisions of black power in the United States from the perspective of an ordinary black man in the play, people have a feeling of wanting to continue. A sense of forward digging.

The beginning, the middle, and the end of the film are all great. The beginning of the film begins with the protagonist's confession and the white man's shooting of his father in the cotton garden, the various conflicts in the middle of the film, and then the great reform of the black system at the end, these plots also perfectly capture the audience's psychology. I have a deep impression on this play. There is a cross-cut scene in the film: on the one hand, the male protagonist needs to be "obedient" for his family, and he needs to stay in the White House to ensure that his family is no longer turbulent. On the one hand, the male protagonist's son is a "radical" who asks to be served in a restaurant that is divided into colored areas. The way in which the editing is constantly intersecting and looping continuously intensifies the conflict between the two contradictions, which also forms a stark contrast. In the end, the male protagonist parted ways with his son and stopped talking, and his son was arrested and sent to prison.

In fact, Cecil has always been fighting for the black people, but he is different from his son. He uses a subtle method. Although it took decades, he still helped the black people to obtain some benefits. He has also become a "friend" of various presidents.

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Extended Reading

Lee Daniels' The Butler quotes

  • title card: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

  • Freddie Fallows: Are you political, Mr. Gaines?

    Cecil Gaines: No, sir.

    Freddie Fallows: Good. We have no tolerance for politics at the White House.