Powerful legal drama

Donnell 2022-03-20 09:02:55

Compared with "The Great War", "Law and Order" is more rigorous and serious, basically not interspersed with the life content of the protagonists, each episode is a case, but it will not make people feel monotonous at all, maybe because the cases are different. Unique, thought-provoking, and well-written and humorous.

The three male protagonists, except for Chris Nos, are all plain-looking - it is a euphemism to say that they are ordinary, but they are actually bald and fat, but it does not affect their personality charm. Especially the prosecutor Stone, who is rational and self-control, and looks at the problem very professionally. At first, I thought Chris Nos was not as handsome as he was when he was older, but before I finished the first season, I already had an affinity for him, and I felt that the more he looked, the more handsome he became. It's inexplicable that I always associate him with his character in The Good Wife, like, I think this young cop later became the middle-aged prosecutor...so much so that he was commenting on a client's cheating When I said "I won't be like this", I suddenly said silently in my heart, "You will be like this in the future"...

In fact, in terms of personality charm, Chris's role is far from the other two. I admire stone the most, and the fat sheriff is also very good, but I still like Chris the most. A while ago, I saw a person on Weibo saying that sexual attraction is the most unfair thing, it is all determined by appearance——

In the realm of sexual attraction, being fat and bald is really deadly. Speaking of which, why don't Stone just go bald? I think the bald head looks much better than the bald head. As for the fat sheriff... being short and fat is basically hopeless.

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Law & Order quotes

  • Det. Lennie Briscoe: [in disgust to Det. Ed Green] Ed, I sold my plantation over a century ago.

  • Det. Lennie Briscoe: Love - a dangerous disease instantly cured by marriage.

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