The sky is as cool as water at night, why lean on the stars?

Tre 2022-09-13 20:21:46

Watched it over the weekend with dark circles under my eyes. . After watching it, I have a very depressed feeling, a kind of back to the unspeakable loneliness when I watched Cowboy Bebop a few years ago. I am also very glad that I was old when I watched this anime, and I was able to gradually How many people are helpless in the world, how many people can't protect no matter how strong they are, and how precious their initial beliefs are. If it was me in the past, I would definitely have given up because of this unclear background and complicated supporting roles. After all, young people are always impetuous, and it is easy to give up things that are incomprehensible. The overall story is a bit like the X-Men, revolving around the conflict between humans and mutated superhumans.

Aside from the strange and obscure worldview (I don't understand the worldview of the True Blood Front), I think the characters portrayed in this cartoon are unparalleled. The first is Uncle Hei. The uncle Hei in the first season is not so much an uncle, but a cleanly dressed and polite student image, which is very attractive to girls. Many unit dramas have very ambiguous relationships with girls (although it is For the task), after all, the actor is not just talking. . . After putting on the mask, there is a feeling that the killer is not too cold. He has repeatedly let the people who should be killed and even helped, but he is not the Virgin. At the critical moment, he kills decisively, and there are many lives in his hands. There is always an indescribable loneliness around this character, always out of society, walking alone under this false starry sky. Whether it is Amber, Bai, or Yin, Su Fang in the second season, he all lost in the end. He lost his sister, his lover, and his partner. We don't know what he was after, what kind of life he lived before 'Gate' came along, what kind of life he lived in South America, or even how old he was or his real name. I only know that he has been in various organizations, and he has saved many people, but he is still alone in the end. I feel very sorry for this man. When he hugged Yin and said "don't leave me" in ova, I couldn't bear to watch it. I was moved by the sudden fragility of this man who never showed himself. He is like a candle in a dark world, it can only lead the way, but not bring light. Unlike traditional hot-blooded fighting, this is not a growth story (Dead Fire), and Uncle Hei was strong enough from the beginning of the first episode. It's not a complete story, from its origin to its ending, it's more like a book out of a biography of characters, interspersed with memories and daily life, and tells a small story. He is not an invincible character like One Punch. Uncle Hei is very strong, but he is more active as a member of the organization. He has no ability to change the surrounding environment.

I don't have the patience to write about the other characters one by one, but as a cat control, I still like Uncle Cat. Uncle Cat is the only one who really let go, but he became a mascot in the second season. I think the heroine should be the head of the class, because it's obviously the human line other than the black uncle line. I don't have a special cp to eat. At most, I eat silver and black. Amber's pen and ink are too small, and Su Fang's age difference is a bit big (visually about 10 years old), so I can't eat. . .

In general, the soundtrack is very good, the plot is smooth, and there are a few episodes of the unit drama that are very good, but the end of the second season is a bit broken, after all, it is an original show. The picture is also broken, and it is not bad that the old film from 10 years ago can do this. But I think it still depends on the radio waves. If the radio waves match, you will like it very much, but if you don't, you will feel very bad. I have no intention of bragging about masterpieces, and even using the current standard, I think 4 and a half stars are almost the same, but 10 years ago, as an original animation, it was very, very remarkable to have such an idea and innovation, not to mention that I like Uncle Hei so much, so Full marks. Full marks.

I wish this story ended like this. We met Uncle Hei and the others, but it was only a brief moment in our lives. It's like supporting each other through a journey, but after we miss each other, we still have to separate.

It is the most difficult time to get together in the world, and it is hard to be separated. The sky is as cool as water at night, why lean on the stars?

BK-201, I don't know which star is you.

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