Would you like to be friends with your current self?

Annabelle 2022-03-20 09:02:58

You can guess the end of the movie after watching the beginning. To tell the truth, it is very old-fashioned, but it is not bad.

The beginning is restrained and timid, and I only dare to imagine that I will become my true self and even let myself go. I feel that this is the meaning that the film wants to convey to us. What is the self? Who doesn't have several masks in this real world? Who can do whatever they want? But the heroine in the film did it, albeit in the context of a terminal illness. Although the truth was discovered later, the confidence at the end was completely extended. I can't help but think of a sentence: Would you like to be friends with your current self?

Take a good look at yourself, have you already become ignorant of yourself, flattering, flattering, full of hypocrisy. . . . Are you tired of living? Do you really have to wait until the last day to be your true self? But maybe you don't even have that chance. .

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