88 keys, a person's world

Holden 2022-03-20 09:02:01

Before seeing this movie, I never thought that who could use such a way and such a life to interpret their own life and live their life in a space of less than 10 square meters.

The world is big when it is said to be big, and small when it is said to be small. Some people like infinity, some people like to live in their own small space.

When I was young, I longed for an infinite world, where I could have infinite reverie. When I grew up, I realized that my world was limited, and the world I could live in and imagine was actually very small. What kind of world is this and why is it always making fun of me?

1900, what happened to the world on this day? We can imagine and find many stories in the history books.

In 1900, this day is the beginning of a new century, everything starts anew, and the world seems to be a lot wider.

In 1900, countless babies were born on this day. Some of them could enjoy the treatment of princes and princesses all their lives, some were destined to starve from the beginning, and some were destined to pursue their dreams in the middle of society. lifetime.

Scene 1: Weeping and raining
1900, on this day, a newborn child was abandoned on a boat, on a piano, in front of a black boatman.

His name is 1900, the protagonist of "The Pianist at Sea".

Children destined to be picked up by others are usually very spiritual, and 1900 is no exception.

"What's the mama? Danny?" (Danny, what is mom?)

"Horse!" (horse!) "Oh, lemon , mama

is run horse. " Tears were left so unsatisfactory, there was no appointment, no precautions, and it came suddenly. All the children born in 1900, I am afraid, know the meaning of "mama", and in 1900, do not know. Only he doesn't know.

Next, Danny put Lin Meng into a simple hammock,

"What's the orphanage? Danny?" (Danny, what is an orphanage?)

"Really, orphanage is lockup..." to imprison those who don't have children.)

"If you don't have me, someone will put you in the orphanage center?"

"ha ,ha , ha , you guessed right, lemon, good night." (Hehe, you're right, Lin Meng, good night.) I'm

very happy that the 1900s in my childhood could meet a kind sailor like Danny. At least you can grow up in the deceit of good will. Thank God.

Scene 2: Seasickness Romance
In 1900, when Max became seasick in the storm, he took him to the hall to play the piano and released the foot brake. With the ups and downs of the hull, the piano swirled in the hall like flowing water in the music, but now the 1900 Storm Stack has lost its frightening formidable power, as if it is a little trick performed by the ocean to make us smile.

I like this part, the photographer's shooting angle, although a bit false, the Virginie set after 27 years is still so bright, it's a bit unbelievable, the leather shoes in the corridor jumped out and danced with the music, but the direction They all flashed to both sides, probably to set off the music at that moment and the romance of living in a storm. It seems to have a very subtle attitude towards life, relaxed, natural, and not exaggerated to experience the storm.

Scene 3:
The madness of the Phantom of the Voice at the dance party, the different mentalities of different characters in the hall, the old woman who murdered her husband, the prostitute, the third-class passenger who sneaked into the dress, etc., all have different music to satirize the hall everyone inside.

"Hey kid, give us a good tarantella." (Hey kid, come to a tarantella!)

"And you show me how a goes paisa

" The joy of time, the cheerful eyebrows, the click of an apple, the man pretending to be a gentleman, the gentleness of talking with the girl's father, the tenderness of seeing the girl, etc., all show the absolute charm of music. Although this part is not an eye-catching highlight, I can still feel the director's attention to detail. The world is so big that all the disguises and masks are revealed in front of the music. The important psychological thoughts and the music are perfectly matched. The 88 piano keys become full of vitality under the flying of the fingers, and suddenly everyone's life can be revealed in a short musical sound.

Scene 4: Jazz fighting
jazz master Shirley on board to challenge 1900. This is the climax of the whole film's music. Generally speaking, the contest between music is very difficult to show: because the average audience is not very able to tell which side is more musically accomplished. In the three rounds, Shelley played the jazz that he was good at, as if the three steps were all flat roads; 1900 took one step at a time, playing the simple and fresh "Ode to Peace" first, and then put Shelley second. The tune played in the round is played as it is. It was only in the third round that he showed his highest level and reached the peak. Surprisingly, the audience in the hall was as quiet as a painting.

Wonderful film, fairy-like music, this part of fighting skills is the focus of this film, I believe everyone is deeply touched, and I will not say more here.

Shot five: just passing by
When Max came to the boat again and tried to persuade him to disembark, he said: "The city is so big, there is no end in sight, where is it? Can I see it? Even the streets are too numerous to count, find a woman, Build a house, buy a piece of land, open up a landscape, and then go to a dead end together. Too many choices, too complicated judgments, aren't you afraid of a nervous breakdown? The land is too big, he is like a big ship, a woman , a long flight path, I would rather give up my life than live in a world with no end, anyway, no one in this world knows me now. I only heard halfway through it, not because of what I am I can see it, but I can't see it...". (In this paragraph, my English level is limited, I didn’t understand the original sound, so I had to copy and translate it literally: $)

For 1900, the material world of dozens of keyboards has been satisfied, and his inner music world is infinite, in his opinion , there is no world more beautiful than the music world inside him. The land is an infinite keyboard, an infinite keyboard, how can we beat out wonderful music?

Lemon was grateful and confused that he had found such a world of his own. Maybe he was still missing the girl with lips as bright as petals, the bakelite record that had not been released but had been destroyed. It's just that everything is just like the musical inspiration once, it suddenly hits at an unknown time, and the wonderful music is knocked out on the keyboard. It's just that, like the passengers on the Virginie, they get on, get off, get on, get off. This cycle, just, tossing back and forth between the bow and stern. For lemon, everything just goes by.

Play your own 88 keys all your life.

Why not?

Shot 6:
Max finds 1900 aboard the Virginie at the end of the Soundtrack Film Festival. In the case of persuading him to go ashore to no avail, he sadly held the glued bakelite record and climbed the hanging ladder with the mood of crying but silent...

"Max, what kind of music can two right hands play?

" What kind of tune are played with the 2 right hands? Max doesn't know, I don't know, and 1900 doesn't know...

Fingers, a close-up of the lightness of the fingers, up and down with the rhythm of the music, stroking the touch of the keyboard.

"Boom!" A

generation of musical geniuses 1900 and the Virginie ended together at sea. A period of life, the perfect interpretation of 88 piano keys, has come to an end.

This is one of my favorite shots.

Cry, have tears, silently.

ps: Of the few shots mentioned in it, my favorite is the first and the last shot. I don’t know who has seen it and is the same as me?


amor fish from tom.com on January 7, 2003

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Extended Reading

The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.