Let's be better~

Catalina 2022-09-24 22:53:39

The five handsome pots have their own strengths, styling, culture, design, food, and hairstyle. They have changed their contributors and got off to a good start.

They do not change the nature of the other party, but in the process of communication, they understand what the other party really wants and thinks, and then seek solutions for him. It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Be confident in yourself, pursue life, step out of your comfort zone, and explore a different me.

And on this basis, it also involves more sensitive aspects, such as blacks and police, homosexuality and religion, whites and blacks, whether or not to cheat.

Everyone is candid about their ideas.

Yes, discrimination does exist at times.

Yes, homosexuality is not a disease, we need to understand each other.

There are laughs and tears, family members respect each other, the subtle sense of distance makes each other more comfortable, and the bond is still there.

Several of the "sisters" in it are very distinctive, and they are so arrogant that they are so cute, what should I do~~~

When facing their profession, they are more handsome, what should I do~~~


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