"Anti-terrorism" ~

Rogelio 2022-12-26 17:30:48

If you don't need to consider the feelings of the people of the Middle East and North Korea (and the Americans themselves...), this is a pretty funny movie.
It is said that it was produced by the original crew of "South Park", so it's no wonder that the style is quite similar.
The picture of this film is actually very well done. The puppet characters have their own characteristics and vividness, especially they have expressions...I don't quite understand how they are made. There is no choice in mouth shape or gestures. Walking is too "puppet", but there is no way. After all, it is really a puppet...
The models of props and scenes are very well done. The design of Capitol Hill is really classic. Kim Jong Il's "palace" is also extremely gorgeous. In addition, the Eiffel Tower and Louvre in Paris, the Pyramids, Sphinx, Panama Canal, etc. in Egypt are all made to look decent.
I have to mention the music in the film. Those lyrics are too messy... dig haha.
Of course, even in the style of "South Park", even the puppet show has to be restricted. It is still a bit yellow, a bit violent, and a bit disgusting.
In terms of plot, we all know that Yankees are "anti-terrorism" all over the world. In the film, the irony of anti-terrorism was changed evilly to the real anti-terrorism later, and the target of satire shifted from the hegemony of the United States to Kim Jong Il. Why do you say that? Because both Paris and Cairo were blown up by them to "counter terrorism"...

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Extended Reading

Team America: World Police quotes

  • Kim Jong Il: You are worthress, Arec Barrwin!

  • Gary Johnston: I promise.

    Gary Johnston: I will never die.