The real reason for the low power of aliens. The trisolaran star smiled without saying a word.

Cleve 2021-11-11 08:01:16

The whole film was shocked by the courage of the alien warriors. What kind of spirit is this. Holding the iron pot, holding the flare gun, and pushing the wooden cow and horse, he dared to launch a tide-like suicide charge on the US Marines armed to the teeth. At that moment, the U.S. military must have thought that they had crossed, but even in the 1940s and 1950s, whether on Ryuhuang Island or North Korea, their opponents’ AI and armor were 6.323 times stronger than the aliens, and their troops were 5000 times more powerful. Ah, there are 339 times more artillery and 35.4 times more anti-tank weapons. The aliens are even a fighter jet or a radio model. Once they lose the remote control, they fall into the sky. Anti-missiles have to be hit by fighters. There are only five or six people in the US military. Ah, the armored vehicle was crushed when it came, and you can’t even afford a rocket launcher. The Somali pirates are better equipped than you. The nun dare to invade the earth like this. I really died for you under the Pudong Airport Joint Defense Brigade. My brothers are sad.

How to explain this phenomenon. Only if you have read "Three Body" will you know the true answer.

It is said that one million years ago, aliens noticed the coordinates of the earth.

The image returned by the probe shows that earth civilization was mainly established by a creature called a monkey.

The aliens then recruited a hunting team, took shotguns and slingshots, boarded the meteorite, and set out to hunt with confidence.

Their fleet has a speed close to light, but unfortunately, their planet is one million light years away from Earth.

So a million years later, the aliens finally arrived...

Finally, we were all deceived. This is actually just an advertisement for Maochang Glasses, is there any!

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Battle Los Angeles quotes

  • Sgt. Major: At 14:46 Pacific Standard Time, 12 different locations around the world were breached, in what appears to be a coordinated attack by an unknown enemy. All breaches were along the coastline, in what is a campaign of rapid dominance. This is a textbook military invasion. There are massive casualties in New York, defensive lines are being setup in Boston, and at 13:15 Zulu Time we lost communications with San Francisco and San Diego, their status is unknown. What we do know is that we are the LAST offensive force on the west coast, we can NOT lose Los Angeles.

  • Lt. Col. K.N. Ritchie: We have an infestation of God-knows-what in there but they are NOT from this Earth and we gotta hit them with everything we got! They are a ground force enemy only, so the Air Force will tear them a new asshole and we *will* rule the air! Now you got 3 hours to get your ass back before those bombs drop, and make no mistake THEY WILL DROP! with... or without you.