There must be a sequel to survive the catastrophe.

Lelia 2021-11-25 08:01:31

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Boss Ma asked Xiao Sa to rescue people. Xiao Sa gave advice but was threatened and threatened. Xiao Sa was helpless and wanted to take a gamble with Lao Guy. Lao Guy didn't want to die, so he refused. Instead, he became a task agency. Sa was able to successfully catch up with the Nicole team, and the team leader C---the Undead Hammer made his debut! One-handed high-level diving skills shocked four people: pressure water to get full marks (to have fun and decompression is one aspect, I must miss my son too, the memory of my son stays on the last beach walk?). Brother Hammer had a high probability of being the king of soldiers before. In order to save his brother, Lao Gai, he did not hesitate to “abandon his wife and abandon his son” and commit a risk. Becoming an ex-wife, Brother Hammer feels aggrieved and can only do his best to use tasks and move bricks.

Rescuing the hostages went smoothly until Nicole realized that Sa was tricked by Sa, Sa was helpless, Boss Ma’s money was only enough to pay a down payment, Sa crossed the river as planned, and demolished the bridge as the ceiling of the film’s military value, Hammer and Sa Together, they dedicated a wave of suffocating offensive and defensive battles, and they didn't forget to replenish soldiers while walking A. The habits of professional players are really good. . . But if a third party has technological advantages, the helicopter will hang on you, what should I do? Brother Hammer Jizhong Shengzhi used a trick that Jin Chan escaped from the shell and successfully escaped, and then updated the mission information at the hidden point. It turns out that Xiaosa is not an enemy. At this time, Brother Hammer has two choices: Either you are unkind and I am unrighteous, or send the Buddha to the West ( Looking at the sensible pony, Hammer is probably thinking that his son is almost this old if he doesn't die).

Brother Hammer and Xiao Ma rushed to the agreed place under the cover of the night, but they encountered obstacles (the Stygian Baby Soldiers) in the middle of the journey. In desperation, the two got into the world's most stinky sewer. Old cover went online. The mission was archived. Here, the friendship between Brother Hammer and Xiao Ma is very important. Xiao Ma tells Brother Hammer: "Falling into the river will not cause people to drown, and you will only be submerged in the water." Brother passed the "500W test" (will it be 55?), Hammer decided to call Xiao Sa. . . After one operation, the two rushed to the evacuation point one after another. The chaos on the bridge affirmed the strength of the former top professional players, but it is true that the outnumbered players are outnumbered. Sa Pawn and Hammer are bloody, and their lives are hanging by a thread, not far away. Chu’s teammates couldn’t hide their sorrow but were powerless. At the last moment of his life, Hammer’s mind was full of clarity. He smiled, relieved, and he finally saw his son’s face clearly, as if he had also recovered a part of himself, father and son. People will be reunited soon. . .

However, contrary to expectations, the residual blood hammer accidentally triggered the water escape technique, and the hammer did not die. This is something later.

--------------End of play

PS: As a specific genre, the personal opinion is 4 stars, the logic is clear, the narrative is neat, the script is solid, the drama is amazing, the literary and drama is not too good, the overall performance is good, there is no urine point in the whole process, the theme is clear, it is rescue, not to go The minor details disturb the audiovisual, there are realistic metaphors and reflections, but they are all just one or two strokes, and they basically give up preaching.

PPS: Brother Hammer is really handsome!

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Extraction quotes

  • Gaspar: The best thing you can do is go put a bullet in his brain. Make it painless. Because the animals out there are not going to be as kind to him.

  • Nik Khan: What's going on?

    Tyler Rake: We just got attacked by the goonies from hell.