The horror of laughter? fear? Suspense film?

Chet 2021-11-23 19:53:42

I went to watch with friends on the weekend. Half an hour before the start of the film, the auditorium was almost full.

The opening song is mixed with fragments of the wedding ceremony of the male lead and his wife. The thick white mist fills the screen, wearing rings and taking oaths, all have a strong sense of unreality. At the beginning of the film, three weird little girls played house. By the way, I have hated dolls since I was a loli, and I firmly believe that they are all alive. Until now, when I see a doll, I directly think of it when you are asleep, she is looking at you and watching you. To you! ! They digressed, and then the three cute girls didn't know what was wrong, suddenly they walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, opened the window, jumped, and jumped under the gaze of the doll.

Then the camera turned back to Daniel’s pale face, his blue eyes were still a little childish, but his red eyes seemed to tell us that his mental state was not good (the blow of his young wife’s loss), and his thick black hair appeared to be him. More gloomy. Then his son, the blond and blue-eyed grandma came on stage, and immediately killed me with his fleshy cheeks. The protagonist's aura is too strong, and the future of Zhengtai will be limitless when he grows up! After Daniel and his son made an agreement that they would be reunited on Friday, they went out to work.

Then Daniel followed the company's arrangements to accept a woman's inheritance. That house is located in a village. Is it going to pass a long, winding road from the village, in the sea? In the swamp? In the wetland? You can only reach the road that will be flooded every night. The people in the village seemed to reject him very much, especially the coachman who sent him to the woman's estate, and his attitude was even worse, and the high fees were not sent to the place. So after passing through the woods and grass, Daniel finally reached the villa with a desolate exterior and covered with dead vines.

The decoration inside the villa is still gorgeous, the floor is still bright, the letters and furnishings on the table are so neat, as if their owner has never left. Daniel sorted out the rooms one by one, but the door of a room at the end of the corridor on the second floor could not be opened. So I knew that the plot was about to begin.

Daniel's night at the villa was truly thrilling. The woman in black outside the house, the handprints on the window, the rocking chair that keeps swaying, tense music, and more. . . The black dubbing in the back row makes the tense atmosphere extremely funny. Whenever I concentrate and prepare to be frightened, I am amused by their screams and laughter. For example, when Daniel was in the village watching a little girl who was locked up and protected by the family through a cat's eye. As soon as he brought his eyes closer, Xiao Hei's screams continued one after another; for example, when the figure of the lady in black passed by, almost at the same time, Xiao Hei's screams sounded, and Zhen Nima intelligently dubbed it.

In such an atmosphere, when Daniel walked slowly and nervously in the corridor with an axe in one hand and a candle in one hand, I actually complained in my heart Harry Potter about your magic wand. Even if you don’t have a magic wand, you won’t be able to use dual wands. what! Then when the figure of the lady in black approached elegantly like a Death Eater dementor, I finally couldn't help but shouted Expecto Patronum loudly! ! ! ! So everyone laughed. . .

In all fairness, this movie is not a movie that can really scare people. It uses sound effects and sudden characters to render the tense atmosphere. The technique is awkward, but when you think you already know what the plot will be like As you develop, you will be shocked unexpectedly.

When Daniel dug up the boy’s remains and buried him with Mrs. Black, I thought the grievances had been eliminated, so when I saw Xiao Zhengtai being brought by the nanny, my heart felt relieved. Harry Potter saved the world again! ! When the train roared, all the voices fell silent, and the family of three reunited again. The film ends with the lady in black chanting in the back of the three people walking away.

In fact, there are many more laughs that can be discovered in the film. For example, Daniel insisted that he saw the firm expression of the woman in black, the small mouths that were tightly pressed together, the horror, disbelief and the slightly disgusting expression of the other party, and the classic line: "I saw her." I thought I was watching Harry Potter if it wasn't for the different appearance. Not to mention that the lady in black resembles Bella's dress, and a scum like me with a combat power of only 3 is not afraid. Keke, although it is a bit rude to say that, after Xiaohei ruined the atmosphere, there is really no way to get back the feeling of watching a horror movie. .

All in all, if you have time and money, it is worth seeing. The plot is very good.

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The Woman in Black quotes

  • Jennet: [voiceover, echoing in Eel Marsh House] I will never forgive you for letting my boy die. I will never forgive. Never forgive. Never forgive. Never forgive. Never forgive. Never forgive.

  • Arthur Kipps: You don't believe me, do you?

    Daily: I believe even the most rational mind can play tricks in the dark.