"Traffic" TV series

Nat 2021-11-25 08:01:31

This drama is obviously going high and low. In the first episode, the setting is introduced, Rocky feels, the story links the previous and the next, and the rhythm is very well controlled. It not only explains Loki's original motivation for doing evil, but also introduces the development of the story into a brand new framework.

By the second episode, it was obvious that it began to get worse. Loki was all sorts of nonsense among a group of people, completely without the basic qualities of a scheming person, and became a clown. Not to mention that the Time Administration did not find the female Rocky's modus operandi in an infinite period of time. It was really outrageous that Rocky could find this huge loophole casually in a while. Loki is not a god full of wisdom. He is a god of mischief. If the director wants to show him, he should draw on that kind of cleverness. This is where Loki is attractive.

The third episode is even more outrageous. Loki is stupid and enraged throughout the entire process, and the female Loki is full of bitterness and enmity. It is such a broken plot. There are a lot of analysis on the Internet whether this is Loki’s conspiracy. Everything that Loki does is It has its own purpose. As a result, the director just wants to tell you, hey, just for fun. My Rocky just has no plan. I have to be stupid and kill myself.

In the fourth episode, I would like to call it a complete collapse. Loki couldn't beat it, and he was stupid. Mobius didn't believe it first, and then he believed it. He had to yell when he believed it. That's how the best agent is? It's true that the age has survived to the dog. It can be said that this is for the development of the plot. What is blablabla behind... Mobius tried every possible means to meet the female Rocky, but the female boss just refused to agree. The supervision was very strict, and it was good, the supervision was strict, and then B15 followed I found the female Rocky casually. What's more speechless is that the C20 video was forcibly interrupted by the female boss. The interruption is not enough. I have to look back and make sure that the camera can see me.

Then I came to this episode of "Climbing Ups and Downs". Seriously, can you stop fighting? Can you go to the dance studio to fight? The first time I saw a fight within a minute, a knife was thrown to different Twice, the dance instruction was really in place. The ending is so typical that it can’t be any more typical. I have a word to tell you, but the plot that the director refuses. I really sighed when I saw Loki being broken down. Destroy it. I was really tired.

I hope that the following plot can give a reasonable explanation to so many silly plots in the front, and hit me in the face severely. It can be said that the high popularity and high scores of Rocky TV series are entirely based on the charm of this character.

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Yesterday, I watched the last episode of Rocky, and tried to replay.

First of all, thank the screenwriter for not slapping me in the face, and then spitting on his face, that is why he wrote the charismatic character of Rocky so plainly. Super Dolo in the fifth episode can basically be a very brilliant bridge, and even a single episode dedicated to this. Loki of different personalities cheats each other and creates contradictions, which can be particularly brilliant. Not surprisingly, these Lokis also have no charm at all. They are characters that exist solely for the plot. Is the old Loki who is on the hot search really touching? Such a background story has been taken once, and the character's motivation is purely based on the role of netizen YY, which can win the Chinese netizens for a while. It is really you, Marvel's great filial son!

Until the sixth episode, I found a big problem, this problem I have not questioned before, it is the problem of Marvel's casting. Since Iron Man, I have always felt that Marvel’s casting is no problem, and the harmony between characters and characters is very high. But I had a strange sense of disobedience at the beginning of this drama, like watching Dongyu Zhou in a costume film, Wu signing as Captain America (Bodhisattva), and not He Shen but playing Wang Gang.

Until I got to Kang the Conqueror, I wanted to understand that the casting of Rocky’s play was simply a disaster. Mobius hired Owen Wilson, who looked like a comedian and whose acting style was still a comedy. This role must be strong. His self-confidence, and then change, is abruptly interpreted as a funny (derogatory term). Female Rocky chose an actor with a deep bitterness and hatred. It is true that this drama requires her to be bitter and hated, but from the beginning of the tone of the whole drama, it is a curious and changeable cousin, with bitterness and hatred.的里子. This is how Tom Hiddleston interprets Loki in previous movies very well.

In the whole show, the female Rocky can't catch Tom's opposing scene at all, let alone CP feeling. Among them, I think the most disastrous one is Kang the Conqueror. I don't believe that this man is a villain at all. He has been laughing, so he is the villain? I also don't understand at all, why after leaving the timeline, Kang the Conqueror's prediction is still made in linear time, there will be a point in time, and he can't predict the following things. The whole person’s performance is not in Rocky’s drama at all. It seems that he is acting in a Chinese idol’s sweet drama. He has no acting skills at all. It can also be widely praised by Chinese netizens. There are even special videos to dig deeper. I’m not a comic. Fan, I really don't want to know this character after I read it.

The remaining few people, such as the babysitter captain B15 and the female judge, have the problem of not being able to integrate into the role. Not to mention watching my bewildered play and the trend of the character plot, Marvel is consuming the public’s love for him. , And has repeatedly lowered the bottom line of the public’s aesthetics. Marvel will again go in a direction that no one cares about in such consumption.

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.