"Rocky" final analysis! The cracked Marvel universe! The ultimate villain who appeared! Contribute to the classic two Rockies! (Updated to the finale of Episode 6)

Deonte 2021-11-25 08:01:31

Analysis of the Finale of "Rocky"

YO, the finale of the sixth episode of the first season of "Rocky" finally unveiled its mysterious veil, and the villain finally solved the mystery, and then he was busy welcoming the two Rockies to sit down, and then had a long and intensive chatter. .

In the finale of "Rocky", a lot of holes were filled, but it collapsed after filling it, and it collapsed into a giant hole in the fourth stage of Marvel. It can be said that this sixth episode is the super long of the fourth stage of Marvel. Preview! I really didn't expect that Marvel would give this huge pit to the "Rocky" series to show it instead of putting it on the movie. It was my carelessness.

Now that we have reached the sixth episode of "Rocky", let's talk about the overall impression first. The finale of the first season of "Rocky" does give me a personal shot but not completely killed, victory but not The feeling of complete victory.

The funds for special effects and the big scene are all burned in episode 5. The sixth episode is directly about the brainstorming of crime and punishment, good and evil, original sin and sin, freedom and order. The action scene is only Luo. Kee and Sylvie continued to pull each other so far, and the decisive part obviously played an anti-climax treatment.

As I talked about before, Marvel's film and television works will return to a strategic ending in the future, so that the story has its integrity, but it will also open a hole for this to join the main line of the MCU.

This time, the sixth episode of "Rocky" has been played more boldly. The new chapter opened for MCU in functionality is more foreshadowing than the end of the album story itself, leading to a series of mysteries and bringing unlimited possibilities for Marvel fans.

All 6 episodes of "Rocky" showed me the state of being hard at both ends and soft in the middle. There is no commendation or criticism here, just a neutral expression.

The first episode of "Rocky" carried out a subversive deconstruction of the Rocky’s character setting, resetting the “good and evil” Loki, who had already had a complete arc of the MCU before, to zero, and let him break the fourth wall by himself. He saw his own life and gave himself a new adventure.

During the adventure, the audience followed Loki’s perspective, and like Loki, they entered a TVA with a quirky style. After suspicion about true and false, and constantly denying and affirming themselves, we ushered in the female Loki, That is Sylvie.

The subsequent adventure and the process of gradual disclosure used a lot of dialogue to advance the plot, allowing everyone to confirm and recognize Loki’s complete character design in the "Rocky" album, and slowly matched Loki during the adventure journey. Luo and Xixi's love affair.

By the sixth episode, the story has been fully fan-oriented. It is not exaggerated to say that even extreme methods are used. The vernacular is to use the effect of a literary film to close the ending, and in the dialogue and calm and smooth lens language, go Opened the door of Marvel's next infinite multiverse.

This dialogue scene is very long and not everyone can accept it. Students who want to watch the special effects scene may be a little frustrated because they are not addicted to it, but the content of this exchange between the two Loki and Kang the Conqueror is very hard. .

The dialogue mode of the three adopts the classic Socratic dialogue, also called Socratic questioning.

The core of this dialogue mechanism is to clarify ideas and positions. Usually the theme of the dialogue is progress in seeking results. The more progress the problem is, the harder the problem, the harder the problem, the greater the progress. The questioner will make the core problem contradictory in himself. During the period, a relaxed and humorous tone will be interspersed. This kind of dialogue mode is often used in stage dramas, and the drama has a lot of tension.

In the movie "The Matrix" series, Neo's dialogue when he met the prophet and the architect, and the dialogue between the American team and the boss behind the "Snow Country Train" all adopted this kind of dialogue structure.

In this dialogue, Kang the Conqueror represents Socrates. In Socratic dialogue, Socrates admits that he is not a person who produces knowledge, but is a promoter of knowledge and choice, to ask questions. It exposes the opponent’s propositions and contradictions, shakes the basis of the opponent’s argument, and points out the opponent’s ignorance. In interrogation, Socrates will not give the opponent answer, but let the opponent make a choice. In the history of Western philosophy, this is also true. It is the earliest form of dialectics.

In the film, Kang the Conqueror uses a similar method. He first uses a script that has already been written to shake the two Rockies who think they have broken the foundation of free will, but they still live in fatalism.

Afterwards, Kang, the conqueror, introduced a Sufi-style choice, and set himself up with the hateful person who must have a miserable personality. If everyone wants free will, the result will inevitably bring chaos and destruction. Only order and effective Cruel methods (cutting the branch timeline) are necessary to bring the peace of the universe.

In the end, Kang the Conqueror threw out "Eve's Temptation" again, telling the two Ji'er that the throne of the TVA was let him. If they wanted, the throne would be theirs. Kang the Conqueror tore the contradiction from the opponent's internal and formed a relationship in the opponent's heart. A high-risk gambling game, regardless of the life and death of Kang the Conqueror, Kang the Conqueror won no matter what choice the other party makes.

Imagine that Sylvie didn't stabbed the knife. The two sit on TVA's rotating CEO. Their initial entrepreneurial philosophy releases free will and breaks the shackles of the skinny ideals will be vanished.

But if Sylvie kills Kang the Conqueror, like what happened in the movie, the multiverse opens up, and other more evil conquerors will come, and the source of evil will sweep through again, just like Kang's Conqueror in the finale. TVA, chaos has begun.

So how to choose is a lose-lose ending, but for MCU, it is a brand new chapter in the post- Thanos era~

Of course, there will be deeper over-interpretation. I repeat again. What I said is over-interpretation. There is no commendatory meaning without double quotation marks. It is true. Pure. Over-interpretation.

Director Ang Lee, who can balance Chinese and Western stories and is very popular around the world, once said that if you want to tell Western stories well, you must at least read the Bible.

Although this sentence is somewhat joking, it is not unreasonable. The whole story of the character motivation and the deeper construction of the story in the "Rocky" series has a framework for Adam and Eve to enter the Garden of Eden.

Adam is naturally Loki. In the Bible, Eve was born from Adam Egan's ribs, and Sylvie is also a variant of Loki. Of course this is just a metaphor, because Loki here is also a variant.

Is Kang the Conqueror God? Of course not. He represents the snake that tempts Eve in the Bible.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed it. In Episode 6, Kang the Conqueror ate an apple. The apple is a forbidden fruit in the Bible (you can also understand it literally) and represents original sin.

Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and a whole new world and perception opened.

This apple is also linked to the practice time gem in Doctor Strange.

Of course, you can also understand that Apple is used for talking or singing.

Some people would say that Kang the Conqueror did not let them kill himself, but wanted them to continue to inherit his rule, but I don’t think so. Although Kang the Conqueror cannot predict the Rockies’ choices later, he is alone. When facing Sylvie, he didn't feel the slightest surprise and didn't flee. The side shows that all this is still within the scope of his plan.

This also goes back to what I said earlier, no matter how Loki and the others choose, Kang the Conqueror is the winner, not to mention the last Kang the Conqueror said: See you later. It's all stated.

So, is this conqueror Kang a good person? I personally think he is not. He is just like Thanos, who is burdened with a villain who does not go to hell and who goes to hell.

To be more specific, you can refer to the ending dialogue scene of "Snow Country Train". It is also for the balance of everything, so that the train can only circulate on the earth forever. The human hierarchy structure is unshakable, and finally the boss said that I am old and tired. You are stronger for the US team. Come on and I will retire.

At the same time, "Snow Country Train" is also an adventure story with biblical story metaphors and dystopian ideas that tells the survival and death of mankind in order and balance.

Next, let's talk about the ending screen of "Rocky". I didn't expect that the renewal of Rocky's second season will become an egg for the official announcement. Playing with the egg is still familiar with Marvel. If you want to renew the second season, it will become an egg.

At the end, Loki went to a TVA that only belonged to Kang. Before that, Kang the Conqueror had already said that the diversified universe was opened, so the TVA that Sylvie pushed Loki to was naturally not the previous TVA, and the giant statue was also Replaced by Kang the Conqueror.

Is Kang the Conqueror dead? Maybe Kang the Conqueror who is at the end of time is dead, but he may have to do this for a certain period of time.

If Sylvie had set up the TVA that Loki was going to before Sylvie used Kang the Conqueror's device, then what Kang the Conqueror said, see you soon, this is the universe Loki was going to.

Key eggs and detailed analysis

Next, let’s talk about some easter eggs and details that I think are worth noting.

When the Marvel logo shows the broken thoughts, in addition to the integration of the dialogues of various MCU works, a fleet of spaceships appeared. This may be the void spaceship of Kang Neng the Conqueror across time and space.

Then the galaxies on the screen continue to shrink and collapse into a single point, and then the universe re-explodes, and at the same time, you can probably see the scattering of infinite gems. At this time, two galaxies similar to black holes appear. You can understand it as this time. The picture is in the multiverse. Afterwards, the camera is retracted into one of the universes. With special effects and dialogue, the picture becomes a stream of time similar to a rainbow bridge, converging into a single loop of light.

In addition to the narration of Marvel's works, there are also the words of the first human landing on the moon, the classic "how dare they" of the environmental girl, and Mandela "we fight for the right to peace", and the fight for women's rights , Malala's "My Dream", who won the Nobel Prize, wait.

The big chimney on the top of the castle is actually in the shape of a cutting stick. Perhaps it is this huge cutting stick that radiates energy and detects the entire timeline.

When Rocky just entered the castle and chatted with Miss Time, a door was blocked by a broken stone, proving that there had been a fight here.

When Rocky and the others went inside, there were actually four statues in the lobby instead of the three advertised in the TVA.

Combining Kang the Conqueror said in the film that there have been attempts to find other substitutes, but none of them are suitable. Perhaps the fight here was destroyed by the previous substitutes and the conqueror Kang in the fight.

Regarding the destroyed statue, in the comics, there were actually four guardians of time. One of them was named Siwa. He was the guardian of time exiled to ancient Egypt. Of course, he could also become a conqueror. A variant explanation of Zhe Kang.

When Miss Time explained to Loki that he could return to his timeline, get rid of Thanos, get the Infinite Gloves, and still sit on the throne of Asgard, Loki's eyes burst into tears.

This detail reminds me whether Loki at this time thinks more of his adoptive mother, Frigga, if you add a line from Loki at this time: can my mother also be resurrected. Miss Time said, of course it is not a problem.

If set up in this way, perhaps this temptation and choice tension will be even greater.

By the way, the trailer scam is really a scam, and King Rocky didn’t appear directly, so good.

When Loki and Sylvie talked to Kang the Conqueror, there was a blackboard with some mathematical formulas written on it, which corresponds to Kang the Conqueror in the comics, a scientist with knowledge of physics.

The design of the castle windows imitates the Gothic church trinity, also known as the design of the three-legged diagram. The three-legged diagram has complicated meanings in the West, including life-death-rebirth, and spirit-heart. -Body, mother-father-son, past-present-future, power-intelligence-creation and so on.

When Kang the Conqueror was demonstrating his past, there were scenes of several Kangs working together to develop a time reset device. At that time, it was a peaceful period for Kang. The collective wisdom created the embryonic form of TVA technology, but the peace was quickly broken. Shareholders The Kangs began to divide their interests unevenly, which later caused melee.

Here you can see Kang using time sticks to fight each other. What I am curious is that if this is the case, did Kang who had been cut out of the dry rack go to the land of nothingness? It was still sealed, and only woken up when the multiverse erupted again.

On the female judge's side, she was getting the information sent to her by Miss Time. At this time, Miss Time, who had always been controlled by Kang the Conqueror, appeared.

The female judge saw the document not the initial time she needed, the information created by TVA, but another mysterious document, or (it contains) an address, because the female judge went there afterwards.

From the dialogue, the female judge should not know Kang the conqueror. From the relationship between the female judge in the comics and the conqueror Kang is the lover, later female judges may meet with Kang the conqueror. As for which universe Kang is, I don't know.

But what is more mysterious is the life experience of the female judge. Although we know that the female judge is a female teacher or principal of Franklin High School in Ohio in 2018, B-15 has been there, and there is a picture of Franklin on the school wall, and the following is written "HOMECOMING", could it be a linkage spider...Without HOMECOMING, it's just the homecoming day of American schools and high schools.

When B-15 took D-90 to the female judge’s office, we learned from the resume that the female judge’s real name was Rebecca Tominette. It was a brand new name that was not mentioned in the comics. The name of Kang the conqueror's lover, Lavna, was changed only in TVA.

The clip came to an abrupt end and was left for the second season.

This can only be roughly followed. In 2018, the female judge did something that shouldn't be done, which resulted in the NEXUS incident, which turned into a time offender and caught TVA, but she was promoted all the way.

Summary and outlook

Although I am looking forward to the opening of the multiverse in the MCU, the moment it really opens, there are more complicated emotions.

The establishment of the multiverse in the last episode of "Rocky" was the same as the mood when I saw the drawer of infinite gems in the first episode. The MCU was really cruel enough to leave behind all the heroes had done to protect the universe. He was observed and manipulated in a man of original sin named Kang the Conqueror, and proceeded in the direction he wanted to develop.

So what they did before, is it worth it, is it fate?

But this is also the story barrier that MCU has to break through. It can't just save the world and the universe repeatedly in a cycle. The crisis setting can only get bigger and bigger, not shrink back and forth.

Therefore, the main line of the direction the heroes will face is very clear, which is to manage the chaos of the multiverse and maintain the order of the multiverse.

This is also a good way to put the superheroes that Marvel is about to return to the big screen. It also gives a reasonable explanation for the lack of some superheroes when saving the universe. It can be said to have the best of both worlds.

There is also Iron Man, Captain America. Although the actor may not appear again, it does not prevent these two C MCU superheroes from being reunited in another universe with other looks Iron Man and Captain America.

Whether the setting of the multiverse background is good or not, and how far it will go, the time and the next works of the MCU will be tested and verified.

Well, the analysis of the whole series of "Rocky" is over. Thank you for your love, and for your company and sharing during this time!

Next, there will be more analysis of other film and television works, I will do my best to share with you, just like the play said: FOR ALL TIME, ALWAYS!

"Rocky" over-brained to analyze the big villain

YO, I planned not to do it in this issue, because the content of one brain hole is small but it is enough to explode (pull), but I really want to share the discussion with you, mainly to increase the chatting information between your friends and your friends when talking about Loki , It can be more brainy than other people. Even if this issue is "Rocky 5.5", please eat the fifth episode first and then come back to this issue, please promise me!

The story goes like this. In the analysis of the fifth episode of "Rocky", I mentioned that the villain behind the scenes may be Conqueror Kang or Loki’s conjecture, but there should be only one villain in the first season, which is better. ending.

At present, regardless of whether Kang the Conqueror or Loki the variant is the villain, there are supporters, But! What if...

As we all know, Kang the Conqueror has different identities at different time points. Last issue I talked about if the villain is another variant of Loki, that Loki should have great ambition, great intelligence, great power, and great intelligence. In other words, The variant gene of this variant Loki may have something to do with Kang the Conqueror. Then the villain fits Kang the Conqueror and Loki’s conjecture. It’s not beautiful to combine the two into one.

The Conqueror Kang version of the variant Loki, perhaps he created TVA, or he brainwashed the previous TVA, the purpose is to allow the villain Loki to better rule a single timeline and complete it. His glorious mission.

If the villain is set up in this way, there will be a feeling that everyone feels that they have guessed correctly and they have not guessed, and they have not deliberately played with the audience in order to play by surprise.

But if this is set up, what about Kang, the conqueror of "Ant-Man 3", and where is the image of the villain's face?

So maybe it’s not that simple. Let’s look at some of the over-interpreted details in Episode 5.

The first is the female judge. She is an old riddler. When she was forced to confess to her, the female judge said that she was also a victim. She also wanted to know who was behind the scenes and wanted to find out the real culprit with Silver.

But later I learned that it was just a delay, but when it came time to interrogate B-15, it was discovered that the female judge really wanted to find out who was behind the scenes, and she also asked Miss Time to look through the information. Isn’t this inconsistent, the female judge, what are you? I know or I don’t know who is behind the scenes.

I think this shouldn't be the fault of Marvel's screenwriters in portraying the characters. There is only one reason behind that.

Unless...Sylvie and the female judge are not talking about the same person.

Let us jump out of the atmosphere, fly out of the solar system, and escape from the galaxy's brain. Is it possible that the female judge originally knew who was behind the scenes and also knew the plan behind the scenes, but in the end, the development of things was different from what she imagined. Similarly, this caused the female judge to discover that there was another person behind him, helping Rocky and Sylvie to keep getting closer to the truth.

Why do I feel this way? Except that the female judge's riddler's schizophrenia is confusing, when Rocky and Sylvie opened the mysterious space to see the castle at the end of the film, they were not subjected to any castle defensiveness. Attack, this picture looks like the owner of this castle is waiting for Rocky and Sylvie to arrive.

This person may be Conqueror Kang's version of Loki, and the real villain is another Conqueror Kang. In the comics, Conqueror Kang at different time points sometimes fights together because of some interests and purposes, and becomes the opposite.

Then there is the plot line of the final battle of the sixth episode of my brain hole. A long time ago, the real villain, Kang, the conqueror ruled the single timeline at the end of time, but then a variant of Kang the Conqueror appeared. Ji, want to challenge Kang the Conqueror. In the fight between the two, Kang the Conqueror can only keep Kang the Conqueror Loki locked in this mysterious prison castle because of his abilities.

And the space where this prison castle is located is the quantum realm in Ant-Man.

Since then, Kang the Conqueror will have an additional important task, which is to hunt down any version of Loki, and the Conqueror of Mysterious Castle, Kang's version of Loki, has been looking for an opportunity to form his own Loki. The base team, kill the final villain.

The King Rocky in the trailer may be the Conqueror Con Rocky, and that scene may be a flashback clip.

Or King Loki is the current protagonist Loki, who gains some mysterious power in the last episode and becomes King Loki.

The reason why I think so is that if the real villain is Kang the Conqueror, then Rocky and Sylvie have to fight against such a big villain. Wouldn't it be the same for Conner the Conqueror in "Ant-Man 3".

So this setting is a good time to give Kang the real conqueror of "Ant-Man 3" the opportunity to play, and also pave the way for the second season of Rocky's high probability. The Marvel Universe can also be connected in series, "Doctor Strange 2" ", the second season of "Wanda Vision" (if any), and the following "what if" can be linked.

Therefore, the villain at the end of the first season may have been beaten but not completely killed, and won but not completely won, and there will be a huge hole in the ending or ending egg.

Then the villain who is really knocked down in the sixth episode will be like knocking down a female judge or a second-level villain like Miss Time.

it is good! It doesn’t matter if it’s the last episode of the face-slapped face right away. Since the talk is high, everyone will treat it as a Nexus event branched out of the Rocky series. Let’s have fun!

Looking forward to the finale of "Rocky", revealing the mystery of the villain for us!

"Rocky" Episode 5

YO, the fifth episode of "Rocky" is so fast that the rhythm is "flying up", lie to you, do you think that although the plot is fast-paced, you still feel lonely after watching it.

The fifth episode is basically within the range of the previous period's forecast.

Criticism, this is the fifth episode, how come the villain hasn’t revealed his true body yet, it’s really making people catch the "base"! Unless the villain is really big...Let's talk about this later.

As always, let's briefly review the plot first, lest some lagging friends can't keep up with the brains and over-interpretation of Wuhu.

As soon as the fifth episode of the film came up, it revealed a fake picture in the trailer. Loki did not stand up from the ruins of the reunion building in New York, but stood up from the ordinary ruins.

Sure enough, this place is not the ruins of the apocalyptic earth, but a place of nothingness similar to a timeline garbage dump. Yes, I will use a lot next. Sure enough, please let me be a little bit proud.

The Void Land is the place where everyone or things pour in during the TVA cutting spur line. The method of transmission is to open an opening in the sky similar to the Rainbow Bridge, and then pour the things in like garbage.

So what if there are more and more people or things? It’s okay to have Alioth. In the comics, this monster is a giant gaseous monster that escapes the time limit. Its gas form can absorb people or things wherever it goes. In the words of the movie, Elios is the shark in the sea, and the people here are the shark’s Chinese food.

Therefore, Ilios is also equal to balancing the ecology of the void, so that it is not overcrowded and saturated with materials.

Loki has just adapted to TVA’s worldview, and now he needs to adapt to a more weird place of nothingness. Therefore, in a situation that is extremely difficult to understand, he follows the normal old Loki, the child Loki and the black Loki. Go to the shelter.

During the period, Kid Rocky also said that he killed Sol in his timeline, but the character set here is so normal, just...it's a cameo character set.

In the refuge, several variants of Rocky began to chat about his own history. Of course, the old Rocky played by Richard E. Grant has more roles. He really has his own story. The old Rocky fights against the hegemon. At that time, it was exactly the same as many fans guessed that Loki was playing Thanos at the time, and his practical illusion was exactly the same, and Marvel City would play it.

Later, Loki became a Buddhist family and found a planet to die alone, but suddenly missed his brother Sol one day, which triggered the NEXUS incident. In fact, Loki’s personality is more like Loki’s older self will do it now. Thing.

Therefore, in the end, Old Rocky is also the person who will most support Rocky's fight against Elios.

After that, it was entertainment time, and Loki wanted to go out to find the boss behind the scenes to single out, but he encountered President Loki and various other variants of Loki.

Again, the design of this combat action was so awkward that even Rocky couldn't stand it.

So let’s take a look at Sylvie’s honey conversation with the female judge. The female judge was full of riddles, not knowing which sentence is true or false. Sylvie wanted to cut the female judge directly, but the female judge said that Rocky was not dead. Was the female judge's desire to survive so strong? What did the female judge in the false underworld mean when she was so firm in asking Silver to end herself.

Then the female judge told the truth that TVA really can't change the time branch, but it can cause the people and affairs of the branch to end, which means that the branch has not occurred. After all, people cannot continue without the incident. How can there be a branch.

Then the female judge pretended to stand in line with Sylvie to find out the mastermind behind all this together. The female judge asked Miss Time to go to the beginning of time, and the TVA began to find it in the early days of its establishment.

The result was stopped by Sylvie. How long and how long did it have to find? It's better to see if there is any trace of the master behind the scenes from the emptiness at the end of time.

It seems that the female judge's slow-down strategy did not work. In the dialogue, we learned more about the timeline. The void at the end of time actually connects an unknown airspace, and there may be the location of the master behind the scenes.

In fact, the place that is not controlled and affected by the timeline is the uncontrolled area outside the TVA red line.

Sylvie analyzed the entire TVA operation thoroughly in three or two times, leaving the female judge at a loss and being threatened by Sylvie again. Miss Time suddenly jumped out of her sense of autonomy and said that she could try to take a void spaceship and try to start. Looking for a prototype.

But all this was delaying time. Soon the TVA agents arrived, and Sylvie was instantly at a disadvantage. She felt that instead of confronting this fake time management bureau, she might as well go to hell to find the truth by herself, so Sylvie decided herself. After cutting off himself, he also came to the land of nothingness.

In Na Silviy, he was so lucky that he immediately ran into Elios. When Elios gas accidentally touched Silvi, the two had a slight correlation. Silvi saw some sights outside of the void, and What she analyzed before cannot be said to be exactly the same, only exactly the same.

After the plot required Sylvie to meet Mobius immediately, the more he drove and took Sylvie to flee the scene, Mobius was basically a driver and apologized and regretted in this episode, and the others had no effect.

After the two reconciled with each other, they felt that finding the truth must start with Erios. Isn’t it a coincidence that Rocky had a lot of different thoughts. Rockies went to the open area and waited for the NEXUS big objects to arrive, and prepared to kill them first. Arios, return to TVA to save Sylvie.

As a result, a DE-173 battleship that did the "Philadelphia experiment" in 1943 fell out, and Ilios instantly swallowed it, causing the Rockies to retreat, but it didn’t matter when all Rocky’s highest IQ Sylvie came Now, the final decision was made, that is to possess Erios, so as to find a way to go behind the scenes.

The female judge imprisoned B-15, U1S1, and B-15 suddenly became thinner and handsome in this episode. Is it my illusion?

From the dialogue, the female judge also wants to find out who the master is behind the scenes. She also seems to be full of unknowns about this issue. If so, why the female judge has been so loyal to TVA? Hole.

It was time for Loki to rest. At this time, it was true that Loki and Sylvie finally had an undisturbed time. The two opened their hearts and continued their previous relationship, but the two did not directly switch to a Korean drama and kissed each other. Maybe the sixth episode... but I don't think Disney can do it.

However, the two men twisted and twisted and never broke the thin fig leaf. I think it is real for the character, and I think this is just right. I talked about Rocky’s feelings for Sylvie in the last issue. , Is beyond the scope of love.

Because both Rocky and Sylvie have never had friends in their respective timelines, and they are even betraying and playing with their loved ones, so suddenly one day they each meet someone who can be born in their own heart. The strong sympathy of myself can only be described by not knowing how to deal with such embarrassment, and the reaction of the two at this time is exactly like this, sympathizing but showing shyness.

Next is the time for Loki and Sylvie to face Ellios. The kid Loki gives Loki a golden dagger equipment like an NPC in the game. Loki upgrades himself, and the two are ready to possess Airy together. Oss.

The battle scene here is much better than the long shot in Episode 3, and the money burned is worth it. In the end, Old Rocky used illusion to create an entire Asgard in order to attract Elios, and the Gods of Twilight was played again. Again.

In the end, Loki and Sylvie succeeded in possessing Irios. It was said that Irios could penetrate the time barrier, so a new airspace opened up in front of Rocky and Sylvie. It was indeed the weird meteorite in the halo belt. , The owner of that purple castle is waiting for Rocky and Silver...

Easter egg analysis

I guess the main creator also thinks that the progress of the plot in episode 5 and the sincerity of filling the hole will definitely be complained by the audience, so episode 5 is directly filled with various easter eggs in the void, whether it is in the MCU or Marvel comics. , Or various mysterious events and urban legends around the world, as well as pop culture ICON, everything that can be put in is stuffed into this episode. I will not give examples one by one here. No matter how hard you find it, it is not related to the plot. It's huge, here are some interesting and worth talking about.

The first is the title of episode 5, which is "journey into mystrey". This title responds to the name of a comic in Thor. It is true that this episode is very weird and magical. Like Loki, we are like falling from the beginning. Entering a mysterious and treacherous journey, to TVA, and then to episode 5, to break the illusion of TVA, and to a place of nothingness that does not know the truth or not, and finally peel off the fog, and see a castle, there is really infinite The feeling that the matryoshka is being played.

After Rocky woke up, the footage was taken to the Fulian Building in New York, but if you look closely, this building does not have an A or Stark’s LOGO, but has become QENG. In the comics, the company bought the old complex. In United Building, the name of QENG’s boss is Nathaniel Richards. Yes, he is one of the conquerors who stayed in that timeline.

Who is Kang the Conqueror? Looking back at the analysis of the fourth episode, I won't repeat it here.

After that, Mobius and Sylvie drove past the pyramids, which was also the first time that Kang the Conqueror crossed to the address of Ancient Egypt.

The Ilios discussed earlier can cross the time barrier. This is definitely a threat to Kang the Conqueror. Therefore, in the comics Kang the Conqueror has repeatedly locked Ilios and blocked Ilios in Outside of his timeline, he even made Arios his watchdog.

When Sylvie forced the female judge to tell the truth in TVA, she mentioned that the void spacecraft can break through the barrier of time and space, and the time spacecraft of Kang the Conqueror is used for time travel.

In fact, the development of the "Rocky" series has already implied on many levels that the villain may be Kang the Conqueror, or a villain similar to Kang the Conqueror, unless Marvel has always "predicted deception" operations and just wanted to It is not surprising that the audience is misled, and the last surprise comes.

Many other people mentioned the child Rocky, and they contacted the young Avengers. Will he also join in? Emmm, I think from an off-field perspective, the so-called Marvel’s creation of the Youth Avengers is really just At the beginning, Marvel is indeed brewing, but Marvel will definitely observe from market data whether or not to really establish the Youth Avengers League.

Because from a very realistic perspective, actors will grow up, and the speed at which Westerners grow up is not exaggerated at all, so we see the roles played by teenagers that MCU sees, and they will definitely change actors at that time. , I think that the current Marvel Universe is still the main adult actors, the young Avengers, and the eight characters have not been written yet.

Let’s look at it next. We saw a yellow helicopter in the ruins with Thanos’s name written on it. This is from the comics where Thanos was driving the helicopter, but does this imply that Thanos was also collected in this place.

Then there is a giant head...helmet similar to the Wasp Warrior, which corresponds to the villain Wasp Warrior at the end of "Ant-Man". Finally, there is a real thing linked to the "Ant-Man" series.

There is a building complex in the distance of the Wasp Warrior, which looks like an ancient city in oriental style. The MCU that can be contacted currently has oriental elements, namely "Shang Qi", and the academy building of the ancient master of "Doctor Strange".

The next step is to fulfill everyone's desire for Thor Frog to be placed in the MCU, and he was still locked in a glass bottle. It reminded me that Thor was locked in a glass circular room in "Reunion 1".

In addition, President Loki was bitten off by the Crocodile Loki, and also responded to Loki pretending to cut off Sol's hand in Thor 2.

Afterwards, I took a picture from the sky. There is a blindfolded giant stone statue. It is the judge of the life court in the comics. The life court is the supreme judge who balances all realities. It has existed since the birth of the multiverse and safeguarded the entire universe. Great balance, the life court has three faces, namely justice, revenge and needs.

The face of justice is completely exposed, the face of vengeance is half exposed, which is what the picture sees, and the face of need is completely obscured.

It takes a lot of time and energy to talk about the story of the Court of Life. As long as you know, the Court of Life is very powerful and mysterious. It has a great relationship with the Planet Devourer, Doctor Destruction, Kang the Conqueror, and TVA. .

one more time! Who is the villain? !

So who the villain is, I have already guessed it all. At present, if Marvel doesn’t play us, Kang the Conqueror, or Doctor Destruction, or the combined villain of Kang the Conqueror and Doctor Doom, account for the probability. Relatively high.

After that, there was another thing I never wanted to give up, that is, the villain was Rocky himself.

Then there are the planet Devourer Garan, He who remains, and even the court of life, of course, how can there be less Mephisto in his heart?

In episode 5, let’s start with the last castle. We can see that the place of nothingness is at the end of time, and the place where the real villain hides is not in the timeline, but in the space outside the timeline.

In fact, when it comes to another space that breaks through the timeline, you have to mention the quantum realm again, and Kang the Conqueror has such a close relationship with "Ant-Man 3", so will the dimension where this villain is actually entered by Ant-Man? In the quantum realm, because the quantum realm does not need to obey the rules of time, just like Ant-Man in "Complex 4" stayed in the quantum realm for a while, in fact, the external time has passed for many years.

Okay, let's just ignore this. If the light belt outside this weird planet is a timeline, does it mean that the timeline circulates in an endless loop? And if there is a NEXUS event, it will produce a true multiverse, affecting the dominance of the villain that controls this timeline.

As I talked about in the last issue, Kang the Conqueror finally went to the distant 40th century in the comics, where it was almost the end of mankind, so Kang the Conqueror decided to rule there.

Could it be because of the inspiration of the comics that Kang Neng, the conqueror of the album, went to a place away from the end of time, and then ruled and managed the entire timeline, but because of his limited ability, he could only maintain a timeline? Rule, so it is necessary to trim the NEXUS event that may produce a multiverse, and then the TVA was established.

Let's look at the castle again. The shape of this castle is actually very similar to the Doomsday castle of Doctor Doom in the comics. Of course, you can also understand it as a European-style castle on a bad street in Europe.

In the comics, Doctor Doom and the Fantastic Four will chat in the castle, so it is this castle that is currently related to Doctor Doom, and Doctor Doom also has time travel skills and high IQ talents.

Of course, there is another saying that this castle is Limbo in the comic Thor. The connection is to peel off the fog and see the castle. This Limbo is also related to Kang the conqueror. In this castle lives an immortal named Immortus, he One of his identities is Kang the Conqueror. As mentioned in the previous issue, Kang the Conqueror will have different identities at various points in time.

Next, it is the conjecture that the villain is Loki. In the film, when Sylvie asked the female judge to find a way to break through the end of time, Miss Time suddenly said that she could take a void ship to save the scene. In this episode, Miss Time seems to have a more complete sense of self.

You can understand that this is the AI ​​setting of Miss Time in the album that is more anthropomorphic, or it can be understood that Miss Time is actually a projection of the villain behind the scenes. The villain behind the scenes is using Miss Time to monitor the entire TVA.

But this is not the focus of my discussion, but the setting of Miss Time’s character. The more I look at it, the more naughty Loki, including the three fake time guardians, and the desire to create a utopia at the end of time. As a result, this nihilistic place became the best garbage dump for satirical utopia.

All these seem to imply that the villain behind the scenes wants to do something big, which is the so-called glorious mission. In the end, it turns into a big joke about the unfair fate of others, causing everyone who knows the truth to want to kill him. .

Who is this like? Isn’t it like Loki’s character and destiny? So maybe the last villain is another variant of Loki. He has high IQ, high talent, and big ambition, but in the end no matter which Loki, he will escape. But the irony of the glorious mission failure.

The trailer has never seen the appearance of King Asgard's Rocky, and the album has reached the final episode. The hypothesis that Rocky is the villain is more stable.

Some detailed brain hole comments

It can be felt that the screenwriter dug from "Rick and Morty" can actually play the "Rocky" album to the sky if it is not controlled by the framework of Disney and the MCU. This kind of flying is not only The collection of pop culture easter eggs and the fishy colors may break the convention and all kinds of excrement and ass fly together, once again subverting the audience's three views.

In fact, the villain in the album kept me filming until Grandpa Rick. If the villain ended up with Grandpa Rick, I don’t think it would be against me at all, playing the universe time between the palms, but it’s the absurdity and loneliness of life. Have a unique understanding.

In other words, the villain in Rocky's album this time was a bit modified according to Grandpa Rick's personality.

However, this is Marvel's film and television work after all. It cannot fly too far. The "Rocky" series is bound to return to the MCU's strategic ending. I have more explanations about this in the "Black Widow" no-spoiler comment. , If you are interested, you can click to open it.

Episode 5 Rocky and Sylvie’s blankets are warm, but Rocky, the descendant of the Frost Giant, feels that the cold is really unsatisfactory. Rocky and Sylvie’s relationship line, I think it’s almost like this, and it fits Rocky’s character very well. Such a scale is suitable for all ages. If you really fall in love or fall in love, it will inevitably cause a lot of controversy. This episode A blanket for two people to cover, this kind of warmth is just right.

In fact, the fifth episode made me more aftertaste the very burning old Rocky. The story of his life is embarrassing. I want to see through the red dust and want to die alone on a distant planet, but I can't extinguish the brotherhood to Sol in the corner of my life. , And miss his homeland Asgard. In the end, Old Loki was struggling to help Loki divert Arios. It should be said that Old Loki was writing a final end to his glorious mission.

In the end, Old Loki faced death in a wild laugh, and established his own homeland, Asgard, no longer afraid of loneliness and fate's judgment on him.

Of course, do you want to say that Old Rocky is really dead? It’s hard to say, but from the perspective of the drama, this episode’s portrayal of Old Rocky is very complete and clear. It’s a simple appearance and tells his own story. Then the honorable farewell, I feel very good.

Because Old Rocky’s story is a supplement and sublimation placed on the foundation of Rocky’s human design, so there is no need to add any more pen and ink. Once the old Rocky comes on stage, the audience can have familiar empathy, especially the old Rocky. Avoiding Thanos is what the audience wanted to happen that year. In the end, Old Loki used the phantom homeland he created to fight the enemy together, redeeming himself, and fulfilling his "self" (Loki and Sylvie). I have to say that the screenwriter is really clever.

There are also Mobius and TVA. Mobius returned to TVA after being a driver. Although TVA has been said to be an illusion before, the illusion should be visible and intangible, so I think the TVA exists. , It’s just that the organization did not do a good thing at first.

So is it possible that after Mobius returned to TVA, he told everyone the truth, and then let the TVA people choose to stay, and those who stayed would re-form a real TVA and manage some time criminals that really disrupted the timeline. Then the first sinner is the villain behind the scenes, and Mobius will also sit in the position of justice, corresponding to his position in the comics.

Even to say that this TVA used to be a really good TVA, but when a variant of Rocky appeared, he took control of the entire TVA, and then brainwashed the TVA’s people.

Next week, the first season of "Rocky" will usher in the sixth episode of the finale. Many mysteries are in the sixth episode. Obviously, it will be a little unrealistic to explain all of them clearly. Maybe in the second season that has not yet been confirmed Stay in suspense, including the big villain, maybe they will make a final appearance, and continue to play in the second season.

So maybe "Rocky" will be like the previous "Wanda Vision" and "Falcon Winter Soldier". Many of the questions and topics worth discussing before will be ignored and enter the decisive battle.

Of course, after watching "Black Widow", it has been confirmed that there is a connection between the album and the movie. The specific series and "Black Widow" will not be spoiled first.

Therefore, the finale of "Rocky" should also provide an easter egg to link the movie. The high probability is "Ant-Man 3" and "Doctor Strange 2". Of course, it may also be "Thor 4". Maybe Rocky will become The mysterious actor of "Thor 4" is back.

This issue of "Rocky" episode 5 details, brain analysis, come here first, looking forward to the finale of the first season!

"Rocky" Episode 4

YO, after the transitional episodes of "Rocky" episode 3, the plot of episode 4 completes the reversal of the entire episode and leads to the small climax of the second half of the big battle. All the analytical brains in front of me The holes are still within the range of blows, but when the truth of episode 4 was revealed, I still had to lament the screenwriter’s bold ingenuity and design for the plot weaving, but of course there is a strong taste of "Rick and Morty". NS.

Not much to say, let’s review the plot interestingly first, and then continue to brainstorm and over-interpret!

Episode 4 started directly back to Sylvie’s childhood, that is, when she was in Asgard, where she played the game of Valkyrie vs. Dragon to defend Asgard. As a result, the TVA police came over and found It took time to commit Sylvie and took her back to the TVA headquarters. Asgard here was reset. It is worth noting that the female judge was the captain who captured Sylvie at that time.

After Sylvie was caught back to TVA, there was another series of interrogation procedures. It was in the courtroom. Sure enough, Sylvie stole the female judge’s time controller. Why did I use it? Then Sylvie opened the door of time and space. Since then began her desperate career.

I don't know why the female judge stabbed such a big man, and then she was promoted from the team leader to the position of female judge, and she was able to meet the three so-called time guardians alone.

The fourth episode progressed rapidly, and many plots were placed outside the film. For example, the timeline chaos caused by Sylvie seemed to be suppressed by the TVA people. The sacred single timeline has restored the peace of the past. They are now the most important thing. The task is to find out where Loki and Sylvie escaped.

At this time, Rocky and Sylvie, who were on the first star of Lamandis, had reached the point of desperation, sitting by the lake and enjoying the afterglow of the doomsday. Sylvie also frankly confessed his childhood impression of Asgard. Sylvie has had an inexplicable fate with the end of the world since he escaped from TVA. The implied meaning of the end of the world implies that everything there shouldn't exist, otherwise why let this place be destroyed once, and the end of the world seems to be Reflecting Sylvie's fate, she shouldn't have been born in the world.

After Sylvie’s heart and lungs, Loki felt it in other people’s mouths for the first time and gained an unprecedented resonance in his life. Many people think this is love. Maybe it may be, but as Loki mentioned repeatedly afterwards, This kind of emotion that he can't express his heartstrings seems to surpass love, not just love. The two people sitting on two rocks on the water in the picture also confirm their state of mind at this time, like The two isolated islands peeled off the mist in the ocean to see each other and become one.

So the two had a love at this time, and their hands were tightly clasped together. Because of this, the two had a strong and unprecedented NUEXS alarm incident, which was discovered by the TVA.

Sure enough, Mobius and the others easily arrested Loki and the others. Although the three time-space doors I predicted in the previous trailer (deception) did not open, two of them were opened.

After Rocky and Sylvie were captured back to TVA, Mobius insisted on interrogating Sylvie but was refused. Mobius could only interrogate Rocky.

At this time Mobius had already surpassed rationality because of L

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.