A tragic hero against the whole society alone

Vern 2021-10-22 14:34:55

A person’s character flaws coupled with social distortions will eventually destroy him. At the moment of drinking bullets, he did not understand after all that in this cannibalistic society, he can only accept it, seek to settle down, and resist desperately. In the end, he can only become a crazy "urban hero" in the eyes of others. I watched this movie twice, and I will watch it again in the future, I believe many people will also, because there are too many shadows of us on the male lead. It's just that we didn't dare to do it, and he did it. . .

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Falling Down quotes

  • Captain Yardley: Lot of good cops want to drop the whole kit and caboodle. And who wouldn't? The pay stinks and your up to your ears in human scum sixteen hours a day.

  • Detective Keene: [Prendergast is turning down a stripper party to chase D-FENS] Jesus, Prendergast, what's your fucking problem? Are you afraid of women, too?

    Detective Lydecker: I don't blame him... have you ever met his wife?

    [Stunned silence]

    Sergeant Prendergast: What did you say?

    Detective Lydecker: [Sheepishly] What?

    Sergeant Prendergast: What did you say?

    Detective Lydecker: [Acting coy] Nothin'.

    Sandra: Prendergast, we don't have time for this!

    Sergeant Prendergast: Yeah, you're right!

    [Punches Lydecker and leaves the room]