City hero?

Jaylon 2021-10-22 14:34:54

I didn't feel too deeply after watching the movie, but after watching the comments, I was surprised. It turns out that the behavior of the violent protagonist gave many viewers a sense of refreshment? Why? ——Because deep in the hearts of these audiences, they have a desire to play God. "My values ​​are correct. Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish." It turns out that this kind of desire is generally rooted in the hearts of the public. It is no wonder that there are so many people on Weibo who are blindly criticized by righteous indignation. And what are the values ​​of these people? ——"What I agree with is right, and what I disagree with is wrong." "My family keeps dogs, and I like dogs. I think dogs are very kind. All those who treat dogs badly go to death."" I can’t get enough to eat. I don’t know if I have a next meal. When did someone like you care about me, but when you see a dog, you can’t stand it. How hypocritical are you?" The dog-eaters killed the dog-eaters, and a group of dog-lovers shouted cheerfully; the dog-eaters destroyed the homes and properties of the dog-lovers and left them on the streets, forced them to eat dogs, and the dog-eaters also shouted cheerfully. If society does not punish and stop such behaviors, what will it be like? Human nature is selfish. Morality and justice are only idealistic concepts. Idealistic concepts do not exist in materialism, but they can be reasons and excuses for hurting others in the materialistic world.

Is this world moral or legal? Where does justice belong? Obviously, justice is not entirely a law that is too cold, but justice is not entirely a morality that is too personal. No matter how many people have different opinions, a perfect law should always provide the only answer. Regardless of whether the law provides the only answer, as long as the base is large enough, people will always have various moral differences. People in the world always harm others in the name of morality and protect themselves under the cover of the law, and justice, in most cases, belongs to the winner.

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Falling Down quotes

  • Captain Yardley: Lot of good cops want to drop the whole kit and caboodle. And who wouldn't? The pay stinks and your up to your ears in human scum sixteen hours a day.

  • Detective Keene: [Prendergast is turning down a stripper party to chase D-FENS] Jesus, Prendergast, what's your fucking problem? Are you afraid of women, too?

    Detective Lydecker: I don't blame him... have you ever met his wife?

    [Stunned silence]

    Sergeant Prendergast: What did you say?

    Detective Lydecker: [Sheepishly] What?

    Sergeant Prendergast: What did you say?

    Detective Lydecker: [Acting coy] Nothin'.

    Sandra: Prendergast, we don't have time for this!

    Sergeant Prendergast: Yeah, you're right!

    [Punches Lydecker and leaves the room]