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42 Reviews

  • Henri 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    I love this game

    Why do you like baseball all of a sudden? Mainly because of comics, elementary school watched baseball heroes, middle school watched ace pitchers, high school watched Yotsuba games, and then watched Major League Baseball and hasn’t finished it yet. There are also wild ball long hit kings, super...

  • Jaida 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    Why is it so low

    Do some people look down upon others? Now that there are more and more such people, we must be provocative. Good is good, and it is not a literary film. It is mainly about the struggle between human rights and anti-racial discrimination. Relying on his strength, courage and spirit, he was finally...

  • Foster 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    If Jesus plays baseball, I think this is what he looks like

    42 is the only retired number in the Major League Baseball. In the 100-year history of Major League Baseball, there are countless talented players like Bright Galaxy. The 42nd has only had one best player of the year, which may not be eye-catching. But he was the first black player in the league,...

  • Luis 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    Greatness, sometimes it takes perseverance to make it happen

    If it's not a sports fan, if you don't know the United States, please don't say lightly, this kind of subject matter is bad. Sports movies themselves are not considered big road movies, and sports movies where racial discrimination runs through it are even rarer. Just after watching Scream 5, I...

  • Kobe 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    Bear all the pain and prove yourself.

    "Legend No. 42" is based on real events and is a biographical film about Jackie Robinson, the first legendary black player in the history of Major League Baseball. The film and "Road to Glory" have the same magical power. They both tell the brilliant lives of black athletes who have the courage to...

  • Sylvia 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    "When someone slaps you on the left cheek, you give him the right cheek too."

    Jesus said, "When someone slaps you on the left cheek, you give him the right cheek." This sentence is very impressive, but it has never been very clear. Every time I see this sentence, I can't help but feel slander: When he is insulted by others, should he be insulted further? ! What will happen...

  • Ryleigh 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    Some behind-the-scenes stories are very helpful to understand this film

    Behind the scenes production of heroes         in the era of racism. After making the Oscar-winning film "The King of Souls," Howard Baldwin and his wife Karen were involved in the production of this film. In their hearts, they must To make a film about African-Americans working hard in the United...

  • Vern 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    "No. 42"-Witness the perfect film making technique

    Compared with the national wars of more than ten years in modern China, the black movement in the United States is a racial struggle of decades, and the two are hard to distinguish between them. This film is an inspirational biographical drama about a legendary black American baseball player....

  • Guadalupe 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    Afro-American Part Two

    The United States is an immigration country. Among the main classes of politics, economy, etc., undoubtedly European white immigrants dominate! Another major group is the descendants of black African slaves who were transported to the United States by European colonists in history, also known as...

  • Kevon 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    "Legend No. 42" super 140 characters film review

    Harrison Ford is so old, it’s not a pretense at all~ The four tough guys, Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Ford, Willis, go old together~ Haha, the Philadelphia boss is Sheldon’s former boss, dr.gablehauser . Not a theme, most of the plot serves to exaggerate racial discrimination. As far as values ​​are...


Director: Brian Helgeland

Language: English Release date: April 12, 2013

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