The world is in that guy's mouth

Rocio 2021-10-22 14:34:48

The Man From Earth. The film runs less than 90 minutes. From beginning to end, it was almost a talk show involving several Harvard professors. There are only two scenes-inside the house and outside the house. Invest 10,000 U.S. dollars.

I say this is the best science fiction movie of 2007. Do you believe it or not?

Have you seen "Independence Day"? Have you seen "Terminator"? Have you seen "Star Wars"? Have you seen "Transformers"? Was dumbfounded and drooled by the computer special effects, right? Do you know how much silver was burned to make us dumbfounded and drooling?

In 2007, 10,000 U.S. dollars will be able to set up a ten-square-meter nest on the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing.

The person who has worked with you for ten years suddenly tells you that he is actually a caveman. Do you believe it or not?

He said he didn't sail with Columbus just because he didn't think he was an adventurous type. Do you believe it or not?

He said that the painting you always said was like Van Gogh's style was given to him by Van Gogh. Do you believe it or not?

He can talk about smallpox, yellow fever, and plague. Do you believe it or not?

He said he lived for 140 centuries, he said he had seen ice ages, and he said he had hunted mammoths. Do you believe it or not?

He said that he had been the leader of primitive tribes, he said that he had practiced with Shakyamuni, and he said it was Jesus at all. Do you believe it or not?

He is thirty-five years old this year, and you are about to die. He said he is your daddy. Do you believe it or not?

Terrible, right? Horror? Think you met a lunatic?

Hey, the most terrifying thing is that you will believe everything he says. Do you believe it or not?

Li Ao said, "You bastard" if you scold someone, forget it. I am different from you. Not only did I call him a "bastard", I can also prove that he is a "bastard".

So-letter. Or, don't believe it. This is a technical problem.

The highest level of madness is to make everyone who listens to your crazy words believe that what you say is all true, even if he is a Harvard professor. Why do you believe it? Just rely on your madness to be impeccable.

Comprehensive evidence, reasonable logic, and plain tone. You ask God where is the world? God said, I kao, the world is in your mouth.

Harvard Business School should really use this movie as a marketing textbook.

I have to sigh again-China cannot produce Niu* movies, not because there are no Niu* directors, but because there are no Niu* screenwriters.

Those who haven't seen it must watch it. Hematemesis is recommended.

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Extended Reading

The Man from Earth quotes

  • John Oldman: Every 10 years or so, when people start to notice I don't age, I move on.

  • John Oldman: I suspect I saw the British Isles from what is now the French coast. Huge mountains on the other side of an enormous deep valley that was shadowed by the setting sun. This was before they were separated from the continent by the rising seas as the glacier was melting.

    Harry: That happened?

    Dan: Yes, the end of the Plasticine Period. So far what he says fits.

    Art: [incredulous] Oh get... from any textbook...

    John Oldman: And that's where I found it. How can I have knowledgeable recall if I didn't have knowledge? It's all retrospective. All I can do is integrate my recollections with modern findings.