Those who fight the devil should be careful not to become the devil himself. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you. This is the struggle between human and animal nature.

Federico 2022-10-07 21:28:46

Those who fight the devil should be careful not to become the devil himself. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you. This is the struggle between human and animal nature.

In the context of World War I (the struggle between humanity and humanity in the civilized world), the male protagonist escaped the struggle and came to a deserted island. In this deserted island, the guardian of the lighthouse is the builder of the absurd micro-society of this deserted island, full of violence, Suppression, killing.

In the desert island, the two are constantly fighting with monsters. The monsters of the night have been trying to devour them, and these two people are also trying to conquer and destroy this group of monsters in the struggle. This is the struggle between man and beast—humanity and beastly nature. In the constant struggle, both of them eventually became "monsters", one was a monster who only hated and only violent, and the other was a savage who was far away from civilization and gradually approached to transform into each other.

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Cold Skin quotes

  • Gruner: Fucking toad spy, how dare you leave me, how dare you leave me

    Gruner: You figured me out, I came to the ass end of the world to get famous

  • Friend: We are on a tiny island of what we know, surrounded by an ocean of what we don't